I read the comment on Grayson's latest post and nearly faint. Ethan Dolan, Grayson's twin brother wrote:
Grayson what are you doing? Why are you being mean to this girl? What did she do to you?This may not sound important, but this is significant for me. No one had ever done this before. No one has ever defended me in any way. No one ever cared enough to say anything, until now. Tears of joy run down my face as I read and reread Ethan's words.
Ethan is kind of the opposite of Grayson. They look alike, but thats practically all they have in common. Grayson is a trouble maker; he is always talking and causing trouble. He teases and picks on kids. He jumps from girl to girl, not caring whether or not he tramples their feelings. But Ethan is nothing like that. Ethan is kind and caring. He is polite with teachers and gets good grades. He has never had a girlfriend, and he isn't rough like Grayson. Both are very popular, so I will probably never actually talk to Ethan, but I am eternally grateful for his small act of compassion.
~The Next Day~
I run down the stairs and grab my backpack and a pop tart. I overslept, and the bus will arrive in a few minutes. Just then, I hear shouting. I instantly recognize the Dolan Twins' low voices. They live a couple houses down from me.
"Gray, what are you doing?!" Yells Ethan.
"I can do whatever I want. Stop being my mother Ethan," spits Grayson.
"What happened to my old brother? The mind boy with the mischievous smile who loved to make people laugh ?" Whimpers Ethan.
"HE F****** GREW UP! I am not that wimpy little kid anymore," shouts Grayson.
Grayson shoves Ethan, but Ethan manages to stay on his feet.
"The old Grayson wasn't a 'wimpy little kid'. He was a guy who cared. He had feelings and cared about other people's feeling too," Said Ethan
"Shut up," muttered Grayson.
"Gray, why do you feel the need to put other people down? Like that girl on twitter last night! What did she ever do to you? Nothing! Stop using other people to boost your own ego! It's already high enough without you hurting other kids!" Yelled Ethan.
In one swift motion, Grayson had Ethan up against the front of my house. His angry red fave was just inches from Ethan's.
"Listen bro. Keep your mouth shut, or I will do to you what I did to that freakish girl. I will end your life. Then, you'll have to eat lunch by the dumpster." Spat Grayson.
He caught Ethan by surprise and slapped his cheek, then stormed off.Ethan grimaced in pain as the bus pulled up. He looked up, and our eyes met. I quickly looked away, and ran to the bus.
Ethan was all I thought about all day. Why did he do it? He got himself hurt defending me and all the other kids that Grayson bullies. I get it, he cares about everybody, but is that the first time this has happened? Or is it just one of many scenes that Ethan never mentions? I could not focus at all during school. Ethan's hit on the cheek had become a huge black and blue mark that covered his left cheek. I wanted so badly to talk to him, but I couldn't. He was somebody, and I was nobody. I would just get myself beat up again. The silence between was loud that it burned my ears, but yet I couldn't speak to him.
After school, I was getting ready to get on the bus, when I felt someone grab me from behind. I tried to scream, but a hand clamped over my mouth. I had a hunch it was Grayson. He carried me out to the playground and threw me down on the wood chips. Sure enough, it was Grayson.
"YOU IDIOT!" He yelled slamming his fist into my stomach so I couldn't breathe.
"Look what you have done to my brother! He is ruining his reputation over b****** like you! He could be great! BUT INSTEAD HE WASTES HIS TIME AND ENERGY DEFENDING IDIOTS WHO DESERVE TO BE DEAD LIKE YOU!"
He reached in his backpack and pulled out a mirror. He pointed it at me so I could see myself.
"You see this? This is the face of a failure. The face of an idiot. You are worthless; you don't deserve anything you have. You are NOTHING! NOTHING!" He screamed.
He slammed his fist into my eye. It hurt so bad I began to cry. Through my blurred vision, I saw Haley jump out of the bushes behind me and run to Grayson. She jumped into his arms, and they began making out, until their tongues were practically down each other's throats. I caught Haley making sure that I was watching. I want to die. Grayson is right; all I am is a mistake.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Awwww now I just want to listen to sad Adele songs and cry :( but I am having fun writing this. This is probably my favorite chapter so far. Thank you to my few people who are actually reading this. Ily!-Erica

Dear No One | Ethan Dolan Fan Fiction
Fiksi PenggemarLoneliness. Sadness. Depression. These are all emotions 15 year old Brittany experiences and journals about on a daily basis. She feels that no one cares anymore and that she is unlovable. Her best friend starts bullying her with the help of her boy...