Chapter 11- Movie Night

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Dear No One,
Today. Today is the day I hoped would never come. The day that did not deserve existence. The day that I will see Him. Today.

This is going to be so awkward. How can I look into the eyes of the man who cheated on my mother? My beautiful, sweet, caring mother who loved him so much. I can't stand the thought. When he cheated on her, I felt like he cheated on me too in a way. We were a family, and he ruined EVERYTHING, and now I'm supposed to pretend to like him?!


9:00, 10:00, time moves quickly. My dad will be here in 1 hour. There are only 2 days until Thanksgiving, and I wish time would slow down or stop moving all together. The second would be great, but who am I to stop time?Can anyone even stop time? And so the clock continues.

30 minutes. I pace back and forth taking deep breaths. Stay strong. It's going to be okay. You can do this. No, I can't. I can not do this. I can't look at him and his happiness and see my mother whom he just left to get what he wanted. Stop. I have no choice. I can either act like a 2 year old or I can accept. Stay strong.

20 minutes. My heart is pounding in my chest so hard that it hurts to breathe. My lungs feel like they are shriveled up in fear. I can't get air in. I can't get air out. I feel hot, and sweat droplets form on my forehead and the back of my neck. The room feels stuffy and confining, like a prison cell. I literally can't breathe. I start to wheeze and choke on the air going in. I barely hear my mom come up behind me and wrap her arms around me. She kisses me lightly on the cheek, and I feel a wet tear slide onto my cheek. I look up to see that her hazel eyes are glassy and her cheeks are streaked with silent tears. We just sit together in comfortable silence, holding each other.

5 minutes. My mom is hurrying around, tidying up little things and adjusting our humble furniture. Her delicate hands are trembling as she dusts the coffee table. She is even more nervous than I am. I can't imagine what must be going through her head.

Screeeeech. I freeze. Panic. Fear. Memories. Emotions. Distrust. Resentment. Hate.
"Why did you do it?" My mom asks desperately. Tears stream down her beautiful face and she looks at him with no anger, only sadness, which breaks my heart even more.
The image of my mother brings hot tears to my eyes, but I fight them back and stand. My feet feel heavy and cumbersome. I drag them along the floor until I reach the corner. When I turn the corner, I will be visible to Him though the glass door. I take a deep breath and close my eyes tightly, and push in all the hate, plaster a fake smile in my face, and walk to the door. I unlock it and push it open.

There before me stands a family I no longer recognize. My dad is still tall and has his striking blue eyes, but those are practically the only 2 things that have not changed. He is now strong and muscular with a perfect California tan. His brown naturally wavy hair lays in a somewhat surfer fringe. He has a beard that lines his jaw and chin, and wears black earrings. I'll give him this: he is handsome. It's easy to see how my mother fell in love with him and put up with him for so long.

His wife looks like a fake model from a magazine. She has a curvy body with a beautiful tan and white smile. Flawless light blond curls fall over shoulders and make her bright blue eyes pop. She wears an expensive cream sweater with a blanket scarf and ripped skinny jeans that show off her legs. I want to puke.

"Hello David," my mother says quietly.
My dad steps in and wraps his arms around my mother. She is taken by surprise, and stiffly wraps her arms around his. Then, he gently kisses her on the cheek. His wife glares at him, but she doesn't dare say anything to him about it.

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