The janitor found me unconscious in the courtyard 10 minutes later. He took me to the nurse. Apparently I fainted. The nurse iced my bruises and when I woke up, she asked me if I wanted to go back to class or call my parents. I didn't want to put anymore stress on my mom, so I lied and said I felt perfectly fine, and I walked to my locker.
Since it was only my second day at school, I was still getting used to my new schedule. My first class was Algebra ll, so I headed toward the room. I easily found the room, but going in was the hard part. I opened the door, and instantly all eyes were on me. I heard some snickering, and one girl stuck her tongue out at me. I slipped into the only open seat in the classroom near the back. I didn't really pay attention for most of the class. My jaw still throbbed from Jake's punch. I wondered what people were thinking about me right now. I could only pray that I would have no classes with Haley.
All my morning classes were pretty much the same way. I walked alone, avoided eye contact with everyone, and kept my mouth shut. People were clearly wondering about my bruise, but I knew Jake would kill me if I said a word. It was so lonely. Everyone else was talking and laughing with their friends, and I was completely alone. It took all I had not to burst into tears. It hurts to think you are unwanted, but it hurts even more to know that is the truth.
Then came lunch. I got in line to buy lunch, got my lunch, and then looked for a place to sit. Everyone was sitting with their friends; there was no place for me. I was the kid that no one wants to sit with. It was worse than that though. There were literally no open seats at all. I closed my eyes, fought off tears, and sat down by the trash can.
This is where I belong; with the trash, I thought. I took a bite of my sandwich, but it was like glue in my mouth. I tossed the sandwich into the trash can along with the rest of my lunch. I wasn't hungry anyway.
As lunch ended, kids began to throw their leftovers away. Then, I saw Haley walking toward my trash can. Before I could even move, she "accidentally" dumped her lunch all over me.
"Whoops! I thought you were the trash can... You sure look like one," she laughed.
Her new squad came up behind her and also dumped their lunches on me all at once.
"Is someone upset?" taunted Haley.
I stood up silently and walked out of the lunchroom and into the bathroom where I proceeded to wash turkey, tomato, lettuce, and mayo out of my hair.And so the days went on like this. Each day it would be something. On Tuesday, Jake's friend George beat me up and I ate lunch inside a shower in the girl's locker room. On Wednesday, Haley's friend stole my lunch money spent it on cookies for her friends, so I ate no lunch. Thursday was the worst. I was forced to sit on the floor of the bus since no one would let me sit by them. The whole way there, Haley and her new boyfriend Grayson called me names that I will never repeat and laughed at me until they couldn't breathe. At lunch, I threw up my lunch on myself because I was so stressed, and everyone laughed at me. Then, Jake beat me up after school by the dumpsters. On Friday, I got blamed for punching a freshman when it was really Haley, and I was sent to the principle's office. They called my mom and I was sent home. She chewed me out, but to be honest, I was just thankful to be out of that hell.
I ran to my room, grabbed my headphones and blasted music through them. Then, I grabbed my sketchpad and began to draw my feelings. I used a sharp pencil to sketch a girl, hugging her knees. Her hands covered her eyes, but the bit of her forehead that was visible was wrinkled with lines of sadness. Tears ran from her face, and touched the ground. I formed 3 knives that pierced her back. There were holes in her shirt, and blood seeped out. Then I took water color paints and streaked the whole paper with blue and gray to create a torrential downpour. I finished the painting, and went to my diary. I began to write Dear No One, but I lost it. I began crying like the world was ending, because mine was.
I think this story is going to end up being pretty long.. Hope you're okay with that. I just have so many ideas, and if you have any more, let me know. And don't worry; Ethan is coming soon :)-Erica

Dear No One | Ethan Dolan Fan Fiction
FanfictionLoneliness. Sadness. Depression. These are all emotions 15 year old Brittany experiences and journals about on a daily basis. She feels that no one cares anymore and that she is unlovable. Her best friend starts bullying her with the help of her boy...