The Drunk Phone Call

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"Some twenty-seventh birthday this is," I mumbled to myself, drawing in a notepad I found lying around my apartment. I took a small sip of my ice tea with a sigh. "Sittin' alone, watching Doctor Who reruns. How fun."

Then, my phone sitting behind me on the arm of the chair started to ring. I picked it up in my hands. It was a call from my friend, Arin.

"Heyy, (Y/N), how are ya?" His voice echoed into my ear. His words were slightly slurred.

"I'm okay..." I answered, slightly caught off guard.

"Good to heeaaar it. So, can I ask you a favor, buddy? Ol' pal?"

"I guess," I muttered. " What is it?"

"So, Suzy and I--you know my wife, right?--it's our anniversary, and we drank a litttttllleee too much," I could hear Suzy's voice in the background. "Wee can't exactly drivee."

"You want me to pick you guys up?" I asked.

"Thannk you so much, I will pay yoouu with my life." He drunkenly gave me the address and hung up the phone.

I stood up, grabbing my phone and car keys, and heading out the door. As I sat down in the driver's seat, a thought crossed my mind, driving out onto the street. I've known Arin my entire life, and he's never gotten drunk enough to slur his speech. Even at their wedding, Suzy and Arin only had a few drinks, at the most. They're usually careful about these types of things. Did something cause them to drink that much?

A couple minutes later, I parked beside the curb outside the sports bar that he instructed me to go to. I walked into the building.

"May I help you?" A waitress greeted me at the door.

"Oh, I'm here to pick up a friend of mine," I said with a smile.

"Oh, alright. Go ahead in, then," She replied, straightening out her shirt. I nodded, walking past her into the main room. The loud TV screens playing various sports caught everyone's attention, including Arin and Suzy's. I walked over to their table.

"Hey," I said. They turned around with huge smiles on their faces. Mine faded away.

"Welcome. Take a seat," Suzy said with an overly-kind smile.

"Yes, please." Her husband replied. His words weren't slurred, and he definitely didn't look hammered. He gestured at the seat on the other side of the booth, the two of them sitting next to each other with smug looks on their faces.

"What is this about, guys? I don't like this." I sighed. "You're acting extremely suspicious."

"Oh, Dan!" Arin stood up, waving his hand behind me.

"Hello-" A tall, skinny man with poofy hair walked over to the table an"d stopped, looking down at me. He glared at the couple sitting across from me. "What's going on?"

"Sit down guys, please," Suzy offered. Dan and I both sighed quietly, sitting down in the booth. I sat on the inside, Dan sitting beside me.

"I don't like secrets," I responded.

"Okay, so do you guys remember complaining about being single?" Arin asked.

"No," we replied, speaking simultaneously without meaning to.

"Well, today's your lucky day!" Arin cheered, a huge grin on his face.

"Arin," Dan sighed, holding his forehead, clearly annoyed by the situation.

I scowled at them, crossing my arms across my chest. "You've tried this before, guys. It never works out."

"Just hear us out!" Suzy claimed.

"Blind dates never work out," Dan argued.

Then, the same waitress from before walked up to the table, holding a notebook. "Hello there! Can I start you off with some drinks?"

"Sorry, we're going to get going," Arin grinned evilly.

"Yeah, see you guys later," Suzy waved sweetly as the two of them stood up and walked away.

"Give me a (favorite non-alcoholic beverage), please," I sighed, leaning on my hand.

"Ice water, please," Dan told the waitress. She hurried off with a small nod. "This is a load of bullshit. No offence."

"I agree completely," I chuckled. "I really wish they'd stop pulling all this shit."

"Well, we can try to enjoy it, at least. No point in moping around about it, right?" He smiled. Soon afterward, I found myself smiling as well.

"Very optimistic of you," I replied. I offered my hand. "(F/N) (L/N)."

"Daniel Avidan, but you can call me Danny." He shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Danny."

"So, (Y/N), how's your day been so far?" He asked, leaning back against the booth.

"Eh," I shrugged. "Been a long day."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

I shrug once again, not knowing how to respond. He looked down at me, slight concern hidden in his eyes. I decided to change the subject. "So, what do you do?"

"I'm a musician, and a comedian, kinda," he chuckled.

"Really?" I laughed. "I work at a bar down the road from my apartment. I can see who's more successful."

"Hey, you can get a lot of tips if you know the right tricks," he responded.

"Very true, my friend." I found myself smiling again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the waitress carrying our drinks towards our table.

"Here you go," she smiled, placing our glasses in front of us. "Have you decided on anything?"

"I forgot to look," I chuckled. "Couple more minutes?"

She walked off with a nod. I picked up the menu, looking through it. I let out a small sigh, observing the options. Then, it hit me. I already ate.

I handed the menu to Danny. "I actually had some pizza earlier." I chuckled slightly. The entire restaurant cheered as their favorite team scored.

"So did I," he said with a small smile. "Guess that's it then?"

"I mean, I guess." I shrugged slightly. "Can I see your phone?"

"Yeah, of course," he took it out of his back pocket and handed it to me. I began typing on the screen. "What are you doing?"

"You're pretty cool, Mr. Avidan," I smiled, typing my number in the contact created for myself. "I'd like to talk to you more."

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