The Bar

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"No, Suzy," I sighed, rolling my eyes as I held the phone to my ear. "You two are just lucky we became friends and didn't despise each other like last time you set up a stupid blind date."

"You two are perfect, though! Give it time!" She chuckled lightly before hanging up the phone. I sighed, putting my phone in my pocket. With my hair pulled up into a tight bun, I stood behind the bar. Almost immediately, a man in his fifties walked up to me, throwing a handful of cash on the counter.

"The usual, Johnny?" I asked. He nodded slightly. I turned around and started pouring whiskey into a double shot glass. I hate alcoholics, but they're the easiest to serve and give the best tips. He grabbed the glass and stumbled off. I smirked and grabbed the extra money he left behind, knowing he'd be passed out after that glass. From his drunken stumble, it was obvious to tell he was already hammered.

"Hey," a man with a smooth voice sat down at the bar in front of me. He wore a dark green jean jacket, short hair upon his head. "How's it going?"

"Fine," I replied, rolling my eyes after I turned away. Oh, boy. Another drunk man whore.

"I asked how you were, not how you looked," he chuckled at his own cheesy pick-up line.

I threw a false smile on my face. "Aren't you a doll?"

He smirked at himself. "So, Ms. Bartender, what do you say we-" he paused slightly. "-get outta here?"

"Working for the rest of the night, sorry," I replied, wiping a few specks of dust out of a glass with a napkin. The drunkard sighed, walking towards the next attractive girl he saw. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone sit down at a barstool across from me.

"What can I-- Dan?" I tilted my head to the side slightly.

He looked up. "Oh, hey."

"Never expected you to be here," I told him, leaning against the counter.

He chuckled. "Never expected you to be working at a trashy place like this."

I shrugged. "It pays the bills."

"Fair enough," he replied with a smile.

"Can I get you anything?"

"A beer, please."

"Coming right up."

I gave him the beer in a glass mug, setting it down in front of him.

"So, how've you been?" I asked. It had been a week and a half since the the blind date Suzy and Arin set up. Those fuckers.

"Pretty well. How about you?" He took a small sip of his beverage.

"Living life." I nodded. Oh, God. I'm so awkward.

"(Y/N), spill on table five." Freddy, the manager, walked out of the room quickly and into the back room. I rolled my eyes and responded with an exaggerated "yes, sir."

I sighed, grabbing a cloth as I walked out from behind the bar.

"Have you come back for me, sweet ass?" The buttered-voice drunkard from before wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Just cleaning a table," I sighed. Sweet ass? Really?

"Can I help?" He chuckled heartily. "I can clean other things, too."

"No, but thank you," I muttered a response, completely used to buzzed men (and women at times) hitting on me and making inappropriate comments. "I can do it myself just fine."

"Oh, come onnnn," he said. I froze as his gross, hairy arms slide around my waist. I pushed him away with a huff. "You're playing hard to get!"

"No, I'm playing 'get away,'" I rolled my eyes and started walking away when I felt his iron grip on my left wrist. He whipped me backwards, causing me to nearly fall to the ground.

"Darling, don't worry. I don't bite," he wheezed into my ear after he forced my arm up my back. "Unless you want me to."

"Ha-ha, very funny," I stomped on his foot but he wasn't affected. In response, he slid his slimey, alcohol-stained tongue up my cheek.

"Hey," Danny's voice echoed behind me. The man holding me captive froze, squeezing my body tighter. "Drop the lady."

The drunkard slowly released me slowly. "A-alright, man...just put the gun down..."


The man ran away, not even bothering to look at us again. I turned around to face Dan.

"Are you okay?" He asked, putting an empty container of Tic Tacs in his pocket.

"Yeah." I snickered. "Using a square container as the barrell. Smart."

"I think I saw it in a comedy show at one point," he chuckled.

"I thank you for scaring him away, good sir," I smiled and bowed slightly. "I owe you my gratitude."

"How about you thank me by going to a friend's party with me?" He smiled.

I rolled my eyes with an extremely exaggerated sigh. "I suppose I could."

"Good. It's this Saturday," He said. "if that's alright."

"Perfect, actually. I don't have to work this weekend."

"Great! I'll call you later to tell you the deets," he smiled once more.

"Alright. I'll talk to you later then," I grinned as he waved and turned around, walking away.

"(Y/N)!!" My boss yelled.

I sighed, realizing I should probably go back to the counter. "Coming!"

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