Extra #2: First Child

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"DANNY." I yelled as I ran into the bedroom, making the door fling open. Kade was outside playing, and Audrey was dropped off by her parents as they went birthday shopping. My husband, who was only in his boxers and in the middle of getting dressed, nearly jumped out of his skin, then bursted out laughing afterward. I walked briskly towards him, carrying a bag. I took out a tape measure and wrapped it tightly around his neck, perhaps a bit too tightly.

"Hey, hey, I thought I was the one who's supposed to choke you," he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist as his lips parted, drawing closer to my neck.

"Shhhh." I held a finger to his lips as he leaned in to kiss me. "No sex now."

Danny pouted, which made me giggle and peck his lips out of adorable-ness. "I have an idea for a halloween costume, and I need to know your measurements."

"But you already know the size of my--"


"Fine, fine." He chuckled out, letting go of me as he walked over to the closet to get a shirt. "Halloween's three days away. Why are you just planning it now?"

"Because I procrastinate more than I should." I sent him a cheesy grin as I followed behind him, wrapping the tape measure around his arm. I looked around him into the closet and slid underneath his armpit to get in front of him. I grabbed one of his long sleeved shirts and briskly walked back over to the door. "I'm going to use this."

"I was gonna wear tha--"

"Not anymore." I blew him a kiss before I closed the door.

"Aunt (Y/N)," Audrey sprinted up to me, clearly breathing heavily. Her little tiny eyes were wide and panicked.

"Whatcha need, kiddo?" I asked, looking down at her with a kind smile.

"Kade fell down the stairs!" She said in between deep breathes. Before I knew what I was doing, I sprinted out the door towards the front steps. The sound of my son's crying filled my ears.

"Oh, god! Oh, god!" I cried out as I ran to the boy's side. His arm bended in a way that it shouldn't, right at the elbow, and there was a pretty large gash in his head. "A-Audrey! Go get Danny! Please!" She ran off into the house.

Not really sure what to do, I held my son tightly, leaning my chin on his shoulder as I hugged him. "It's okay. We'll get you fixed, w-we'll get you fixed. Mommy's here.." I said, beginning to cry myself as his sobs rang out loudly into the air.


"He's gonna be okay." Danny's kind words echoed into my ear as his fingers played with my hair. The smell of rubber gloves and hand sanitizer burned our noses as we sat in the waiting room. We were told to sit out in the main room by the nurses' station, since Kade would act out if we were in the room with him. "Worst case scenario, it's just a broken bone."

"Maybe he'll have a scar just like his daddy." I said, leaning my forehead on his shoulder, referencing the mark on his eyebrow.

Danny laughed a bit, bring a smile to my face. I wrapped my arms around his waist and let out a sigh. I reached up and patted his cheek, feeling the stubble he left from the last time he shaved. I accidently slipped my finger in his mouth, now just playfully patting his entire face. He laughed a little more, that infectious giggle ringing out in the room. "Gee, thanks. I always wanted to get my face awkwardly caressed." He said sarcastically.

I chuckled and pulled away. "You're welcome, Mr. Sexbang." I stood up on my toes to kiss his lips lightly before pulling away to sit back down on the chairs behind us.

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