Well Loved

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I hit the power button on my cellular device. Somehow, it was at 40%, even though it was on for four days straight. But, hey, I wasn't complaining.

The first thing I saw was the thousands of twitter notifications. I was tagged in many posts, all of which were wishing me to get better soon. #WishingNinja(Y/N)Well was trending on many different social media websites. On the tag was everything you could ever dream of. Fan art, cards, screenshots from the livestream, and lots of "get well soons."

Thank you for all the get wells! Love you guys so much! ^-^

That was the message I posted to my followers.

"Alright, sicky, I got your water," Danny said as he walked back in. He handed the bottle to me. "You're feeling better, I assume?"

"Oh," I responded. I realized I was smiling like a fool with the blanket covering my face. I took the water bottle in my hand, chugging nearly half of it right away before I cleared my throat. "I didn't realize that your subscribers were so caring."

"We're all one big family," he replied, sitting beside me. "Sure, there are those obnoxious uncles that always like to pick a fight with the others, but we get by pretty well."

"Would that make Arin the father of the millions lovelies?" I laughed.

"Well, he certainly got busy."

I turned on my phone once more and went on my Twitter as Dan wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I started scrolling through my feed until I reached the posts from a few days ago. The first one I saw was from the Ninja Sex Party account. It was a picture of Danny with an excited grin on his face, his hands thrown up in the air, captioned "Writing new songs! Also, balls."

Right below it was a picture of Brian with his daughter, Audrey. Welcome back to another episode of "The Double Life of Ninja Brian."

"Hey, can you sing?" Dan asked out of the blue.

I leaned my head back against his shoulder, looking up at him. "What?"

"Can you sing at all?" He chuckled. "Sorry to snoop, but I saw the tweet on your phone and it reminded me."

"I sound like a dying cow after it gave birth to dead gorilla." I smiled with a small chuckle.

"That's quite the smilie there," he laughed. "How did the dead gorilla get in there?"

"Hey, I don't judge," I laughed along. "Cow's like some freaky shit."

"Dan, do you-" Suzy walked in the door. Her eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face. "(Y/N)!"

She ran up to me, hugging me tightly. I hugged back. "So glad you're up!" She said, "are you feeling better?"

"A lot, thank you," I nodded.

"Are you hungry at all? We're actually going out to eat in an hour or so," she said, standing up straight again.

"Oh, sure," I grinned. "That'd be great!"

"Awesome!" She said, walking out of the room.

I looked up at Dan. "Didn't she want to ask to tell you something?"

"Yeah," Danny laughed. "I'll go see what she wants."

He walked out the door Suzy went through. "Oops," he muttered, holding the door open as he stood at an awkward angle. He was looking down at the ground. At first, I had no clue what he was doing, but then I saw the little mini person walking around him. Dan closed the door, staying in the room. "Where are you going?"

"Awe! Who is this?" I asked, smiling at the adorable little girl as she waddled her way across the room.

"That's Audrey. Brian, your daughter's gotten loose again!" Dan yelled through the door, laughing. Audrey waved at me with a huge grin on her face. I squealed lightly. "She's so cute!"

A couple seconds later, Brian walked in the room. He swooped the little girl up in his arms and started tickling her. "What you doing, huh?" Brian smiled brightly as his daughter's laugh echoed into the air.

"This is your child? Oh my gosh! She's adorable!" I cheered, standing up. Brian set Audrey down on the ground. She wobbled over to me as I crouched on the ground to get closer to here. She smiled again, giving me a highfive. "Yeah!"

I heard Danny chuckle as he walked out of the room. She grabbed my hand and started clapping on either side of it. I chuckled.

"Alright, we gotta go," Brian said, the smile still on his cheeks. He picked Audrey up and started heading towards the door. "Say bye!"

The little baby girl waved with her right while blowing a kiss with her left. I smiled and waved back as they left. "Bye, guys!"

I shook my head slightly, smiling as I sat back down on the couch, pulling the blanket over my legs once more. I jumped slightly when I heard my phone vibrate on the table next to me. I laughed at my nerves and picked it up. I was tagged in a picture on Instagram. I opened it up, half expecting it to be another lovely picture someone drew to wish me well. I froze when I realized that it wasn't.

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now