Sleep Over

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Dan's POV

"Helloo?" I asked. It was Arin on the other line.

"What's happening?" He asked.

"I just ordered a pizza and we're about to watch some movies. Why?" I replied.

"Okay, be careful, alright? Apparently her ex is harassing her via text message. Suzy told me she's telling her about it at the moment."

"Oh,  man," I replied, scratching my head. "Thanks for telling me."

"No problem," he assured before hanging up.

"Well, goodbye to you, too," I muttered, walking back out. 

(Y/N)'s POV

While Danny talked on his phone in the other room, Suzy was texting me like it was her job, asking me to describe what was happening, what the room looked like, what Danny was wearing, what movie were going to watch. After the fifth seemingly useless question, my blood began to boil.

"What the hell...?" I muttered. With every text, I became more and more infuriated. Her questions were becoming more and more personal as the went on. I huffed. "Oh, my god."

You HAVE to like him.

If you don't, I'll cry.

Do you think he's a good kisser?

How long do you think his-

"No!" I yelled, throwing my phone down on the ground...right when Danny walked back in.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I turned to look at him, a combination of horror and concern on his face.

"Yeah," I sighed, picking my phone off of the ground. There was a huge crack on the screen. "God damn it."

"Is something bothering you?" He sat down beside me on the couch. 

"Just pissed off," I mumbled. "And now I have a broken phone. Great."

"I'm sorry," he said. The apologetic look on his face was enough to make me stop. He looked so...fucking adorable. I smiled.

"Don't worry about it. I needed a new one anyway," I chuckled, looking down at the piece of now useless junk in my hands. It wouldn't even turn back on. "Anyway, how about that movie?"

He smiled and nodded, standing up. "What do you want to watch?"

"I'll let you pick." I said.

He shrugged. "Sure."

He put the movie in the DVD player, grabbed the remote off of the table, and sat down on the couch once more. "Hope you like it. It's one of my favorites."

He hit the play button on the remote. To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention to the TV all that much. At least I remember that we were watching Jackass...I think. 15 minutes in, the pizza came and we continued to watch as we ate. Throughout the entire film, I kept glancing at Dan. Next thing I know, it was dark and the only thing lighting up the room was the screen. While his full attention was focused on the movie, I was curling up in a ball on the other end of the couch.


My eyes flickered open slowly. It was completely dark in the room except for a small light bouncing off of the walls from the kitchen and I felt a fuzzy blanket placed over me. When did I fall asleep?

I stood up, the green blanket still wrapped around my shoulders as I made my way into the kitchen. The floor was freezing on my feet. The clock on the stove said 1:28. I groaned silently, rubbing some sleep out of my eyes. I turned around and waddled back over, snuggling up into the cushions on the couch once more. I was about to fall asleep again when I heard footsteps. I froze and listened closely.

A couple seconds later, Brian's shadow walked into the kitchen. I could hear him humming a small tune as he opened the fridge. I sighed quietly, leaning my head against the pillow beside me. I held the blanket to my face, obsorbing its warmth. It smelled comforting, making my entire body relax. I seeped down, letting sleep consume me once more.



I felt someone shake my arm. I moaned lightly, turning away from the direction of the voice. My face was pressed into the pillow. There it was again, that damned shaking. I groaned, opening my eyes a little. Through my blurry, still-not-awake vision, I saw Dan and his poofy hair. I smiled lightly. "Oh, hi."

"Morning, sunshine," he replied with a chuckle. "We're going to the Grumps Place and Arin wants me to bring you, too."

"Oh," I rubbed my eyes, sitting up. "Alright. Can I use your shower?"

"When did this turn into a sleepover?" He asked, smiling.

"When you didn't wake me up." I stretched my arms above my head.

He chuckled. "Yeah, go ahead. It's down the hallway, first door on the right. There's towels in there." He smiled and started walking towards the kitchen.

"Thank you," I called out, standing up from the comfortable warmth of the couch. I walked down the hallway where he instructed me to go.

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