Stayin' Alive

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"Puppy?!" My eyes lit up as I grabbed Dan's hand, dragging him out of the room. Mark's dog, sat in the middle of the room. Suzy had a large grin on her face, scratching the puppy's stomach. I squealed and fell to my knees behind her, petting the dog's fur. "What's her name?"

"Chica." Mark smiled a little and nodded. The dog's head flew up at the sound of her name. Chica sat up and tackled me, pushing me to the ground as she licked my face. I bursted out laughing, ruffling up the dog's fur.

"Down!" Mark said in between laughs, trying to get his dog off of me. The cheerful puppy lept off of me and ran towards him. Mark crouched down and started petting behind Chica's ears. "Bad doggies."

I sat up, giggling as I wiped the dog slobber off my face. "She's just excited, is all."

After playing with the adorable Chica, we all recorded a Grumpcade video, a strange ad for a new shirt, and a skit Mark wanted to put on his channel. I edited a few videos to the best of my ability, trying my best to forget that I was using Kevin's computer, and by the end of the day, I was genuinely tired. I followed Dan out of the office, yawning silently.

"Danny, can we get a puppy?" I asked as I sat in the passenger seat of his car, a chuckle on my lips.

"Why do we need a puppy?" He said jokingly.

"Because they're adorable and fluffy and cuddly like you and your hair." I grinned cheesily.

He smiled and giggled a little bit. "I'll think about it."

"Really?!" My eyes lit up.

He chuckles a little bit. "I don't know."

"Come on!" I huffed. He smiled once more. "I love you~!"

"Really now?" We were at a red light, the car slowing down to a stop. "Prove it."

I smirked a bit and threw myself at him, swinging my leg over his as I planted multiple kisses up and down his neck and jawline, my arms now around his waist. He chuckled under his breathe as he turns his head at the correct time, making our lips meet. I blush a bit and smile, pulling away and sitting back down. "Are you convinced yet?"

"Yes." He smiles at me, grabbing a hold of my hand. I lean my head against his arm, intertwining our fingers. We began driving again, the light now green once again.


"Stayin' alive, stayin' alive~!" I sang as I danced, heading up the stairs to the office. The Game Grumps were having a Halloween livestream and we were asked to wear costumes. Dan was Gene Simmons, AKA The Demon, from the band KISS, but the only real costume-like thing we had to do was the black facepaint. We ran out of the white, so all we had to do was the design around the eyes and voila! Gene Simmons. He just wore his leather jacket and he looked the part, or as much as he could, anyway. We all decided to have matching costumes. Arin, Dan, Barry, and Ross were going to be the four members of KISS, while Suzy, Holly, and I were going to be their extremely obsessed fans. (( Picture of the four KISS members along with this chapter for those five people who've never seen them. As for the fangirl portion, use your imagination. )) My hair was now a neon pink from the help of colored hairspray and thrown into a messy, frizzy bun on the top of my head. I tried my best to look like a KISS-obsessed fangirl, but I wasn't completely sure what one looked like, so I just wore a shirt with the band on it, black jean, and black leather knee-high boots.

"STAYIN' ALIIVVEEEE~!" I sang out, pointing my finger out towards the sky. Dan laughed behind me.

"Our neighbors are gonna hate you," he laughed.

"You can't hate a girl with a KISS T-shirt on. That's not how the world works." I nod with a grin, walking in the door.

"Woah!" Arin smiled as I walked in the door. "Nice hair."

Arin was dressed as Paul Stanley from KISS, AKA The Starchild, dressed in all black. I chuckle, flipping my bun sassily. Then, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss walked in the room, also known as Barry and Ross dressed as The Catman and Space Ace. "The band's all here!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air.

Ross raised an eyebrow. "Is that perment hair color?"

I chuckle. "Yes, Ross. I died my hair bright pink." I twisted a strand of my hair in between my fingers, a bit of the pink rubbing off on my fingers. I showed him my fingertips.

"Alright. That answers my question." He nodded with his Ross grin.

Barry waved to me with his right hand, a beer in his left. My jaw dropped. "No!" He froze in place, throwing his hands in the air. I walked over and took the beer out of his hand. "No! Bad Barry!"

"What did I do?" He asked, looking around.

"How dare you drink beer when you have a bartender friend!" I huff, handing the beer back to him. "I could've made you fancy girly drink."

"I'll keep that in mind," he grinned before taking a drink from the can.

"What game are we playing again?" Holly walked in the door. She smiled at me. "Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hey, Holly." I raised my hand up then put it back down again.

"Five Nights At Freddy's marathon, from what the people voted," Arin spoke up.

"Five Nights at Freddy's?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. "What is that?"

Everyone in the room froze and looked at me. A small smirk grew on Ross's face. "Guess what you're playing."

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now