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I took a deep breath and ran into the bathroom, looking at my red, blushing face in the mirror. I turned on the faucet and washed off my face, thoughts rushing through my brain. I was happy. I felt safe in his arms. I didn't want to leave. Why didn't I want to let go of him? I asked myself, despite already knowing the answer. I took one last breath before walking out of the bathroom, trying to calm my nerves.

I'll see Kevin, I decided. Just to get my mind off things. Maybe I can help edit a video or something.

I walked into the other room, where Kevin was clicking the mouse, his eyes glued to the computer. "Hey, Kevin," I said with a smile.

"Hey," he smiled at me for a brief moment before returning his gaze back to the screen. "How's it going?"

"Okay," I responded. "Need anything?"

He paused for a second or two. "Nothing that I can think of at the moment, but thanks."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll see you around then," I said, walking away.

"Oh, shit!" Ross's voice rang out. I grinned. Ross will have something for me to do.

I walked into the other room only to find him playing a game on his computer with his wife, Holly. I sighed silently and quietly closed the door, knowing they were recording a video.

Ugh...Barry? I thought. I haven't seen him. Is he even here?

I huffed, sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Is there anything I can do here?

Then, on the TV, I saw a small red light underneath the screen. An idea formed in my mind.


"Mario, you bitch!" I yelled as a fireball hit Mario mid-jump. I was playing Super Mario Bros. I growled, frowning at the screen. "You couldn't of fucking fucked a fuck?"

"How does one fuck afuck?" Arin's voice made me jump.

"Oh, hey," I laughed, putting the controller down on the floor in front of me. "When did you get there?"

"Enough to see you rage." He chuckled, sitting next to me. "Hey, (Y/N), do you want to work here?"

"What?" I looked at him.

"Do you wanna be part of Game Grumps? You don't have to be on camera or anything, if you don't want to."

"I'd just get in the way, wouldn't I? I mean, everyone has their place here. What would I do?" I asked.

"Whatever. Help Kevin edit, make a video with me and Danny, create your own show. Anything.

I paused to think about it. "Can I just be an awkward intern who's just there in the background?" I smiled. "I can just be everyone's assistant. It'll be fun."

"Sure," he said with a smile. He reached forward and shook my hand. "Welcome to the Game Grumps team."

"Thanks!" I grinned.

"Arin," Ross poked his head in the door. "Are we still going to have that livestream today?"

"I was planning on it. Why?"

"What games are we playing?" Ross seemed eager.

"What games do you want to play, Ross?" Arin sighed quietly.

"...Mario Maker." Ross's voice was equivalent to a child's after subtly hinting to it's parents for a birthday gift.

"Let me guess; you have more levels for Danny and I to play?" Arin sighed.

"Maybe." Ross let out a loud, sadistic laugh.

"I refuse to play anymore. It's up to Dan." Arin chuckled.

"Okay!" Ross left the room in a hurry.

"Should I be afraid?" I asked.

"Nope. Not unless you wanna play his levels." He replied, standing up. "I'm going to go see how this plays out."

I stood up myself and followed behind him, walking into the room with nerdy merchandise, where Ross was discussing the plan with Danny.

"Oh, no, Ross." Dan laughed. "You've put me through enough stress for the next five decades."

"Come on!" Ross smiled. "You have to!"

"I will most likely kill you," he joked.

"It'll be worth it!" The Australian man through his arms in the air.

I shrugged. "I'll play it."

Danny and Arin gasped dramatically, turning towards me like we were in one of those black and white dramas. Ross had a large grin on his face. "Really? You will?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Your heart's going explode." Arin claimed.

"Your mind will melt." Danny added.

I chuckled. "I'm not bragging or anything, but I think I'm pretty good at some Mario."

They sighed. Arin shook his head slightly. "Alright. If you want to."

"Yay!" I smiled. Danny smiled, too, looking at me. "Wait, do I have to play it live?"

"Yes. And you can't practice beforehand." Ross said immediately.

"Oh, great. This is going to be wonderful." I chuckled. "I'm not worried, though."

"Good luck. You'll need it." Dan grinned.

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now