Mad Skills

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"Hey, Barry..." A tiny voice echoed as a door opened up across the room. Kevin peaked his head in the door. He smiled and waved at me. I did the same. "The computer crashed."

"What?" Barry froze.

"Could you save anything?" Arin asked afterward.

"I don't know. It won't even turn on," He replied, leaning on the doorframe.

"Can I look at it?" I asked. Everyone in the room turned to look at me. "What? Just because I mix drinks for a living doesn't mean I don't know stuff about computers."

"I mean, yeah, sure. Be my guest," Barry answered, gesturing towards the door. I followed Kevin into the room.

He stopped in front of a computer with a blank screen on the monitor. I shrugged. "Oh, please. This is nothing."

Not even five minutes later, the computer was working once more. I even managed to save a little bit of the video he was editing.

"Oh, thank you so much," Kevin said with a slightly shy smile, sitting down on the chair in front of the desk.

Barry gave me a highfive. "Sweet. Less work for me. Thanks!"

"Any time, guys," I said with a smile. I turned around to face Dan and Arin, who were looking at me with smiles of their own. "Sorry."

"Oh, it's okay," Arin told me. "Onward ho!"

"Who are you calling a hoe?" I said with fake irritation in my voice, placing my hands on my hips. It faded away with my laughter. "Let's go, then."

And so the tour continued. Barry stayed with Kevin while Danny, Arin and I explored the rest of the building. They showed me where the bathroom was, all the games the kept on the multiple shelves, all the game systems they owned. It was quite interesting, believe it or not.

I was looking at the games on the 2nd bookcase when I heard Suzy walk in. "Hey, Arin? I thought we were going to do a date grumps thing?"

"Oh, right. Shit," he said to her, turning around. "(Y/N), Danny, do you mind if I go do this real quick?"

I replied with, "Oh, no. Go ahead," as I picked up an NES game.

"Have fun, guys." Dan added.

He thanked us and followed Suzy out of the room.

"What the hell is this?" Dan asked, reaching up on the top shelf, pulling down a magazine of some sorts.

I looked over his shoulder. "Game Informer, eh?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Why was this hidden up there?"

"I just got here 20 minutes ago, how would I know?" I chuckled. "Can I see it?"

He handed it to me. I started flipping through the pages. It seemed to be from January, 2015. Suddenly, I felt something hit the back of my head. I froze and turned around slowly. Dan was holding a foam finger behind his back and smiling cheesily. I slammed the magazine down on the shelf and crossed my arms. "Daniel Avidan, you didn't."

"Didn't do what?" He laughed, smacking me with the prop before hiding it behind his back once more. I glared at him, laughing as I walked over into the corner of the room and took a cartoon-ishly large boxing glove out of a box full of seemingly random crap.

"You're messing with the wrong bartender, Avidan," I laughed, taking a swing at his arm.

"Seems like the right one to me." He hit me back playfully.

"You're just jealous of my mad boxing skills," I teased, swinging my gloved hand around.

Then, he ripped it off of my hand, putting it on his. "Skills, huh?"

"Give it back!" I laughed, charging at him. He swung out of the way just in time. He held his arm up in the air. Growling, I leaped for the giant ass glove. "This isn't fair! You're taller!"

"Jump, little puppy!" He laughed, making me jump up higher, but it was still just out of reach. Then, the door opened behind Dan, making him turn around. Ross walked in the door, looking extremely confused, yet entertained. I took this opportunity to my advantage and leapt on Dan's back, making him let out a tiny noise as I tackled hm, reaching for the boxing glove. He leaned forward, trying to keep it away, but that only made me climb higher onto him. At one point, his hair ended up in my face, making it hard to see.

"Give me. The damn. Glove!" I laughed. He jumped up slightly, making me lose my grip and fall off of him. He took a couple steps forward, but I grabbed a hold of his leg and pulled him down. He collapsed, sending a loud thump through the room. Ross was dying of laughter.

I crawled over to Dan and sat on his back, ripping the glove off of his hand this time. "Ha-ha!" I yelled to the ceiling, holding it up in the air above me. "I am victorious!"

"I don't think," Dan paused to laugh, "this is how it works."

I started laughing myself, falling down next to him as I held my side. I took a deep breath, trying to remember how to breathe properly. After everything finally calmed down, I heard the door slam open.

"What happened?" Arin asked with Suzy behind him. That only made Ross, Danny and I laugh even harder.

"I'll show you a-" Ross inhaled deeply, "-video I took, hold on!"

"You took a video?" I said, wiping the tears off of my smiling cheeks. "Send it to me!"

"I messed with the wrong bartender," Dan chuckled, resting his head on the ground.

"I told you!" I pushed his arm gently, sitting up from the hard wood floor. "You started this shit!"

"I'm gonna have bruises on my everywhere." He let out another laugh.

"Oops?" I smiled, standing up. I offered my hand to him. "Truce?"

"Deal," he said, grabbing it. I helped him stand up.

"This shit is better then WWE," Arin said as him and his wife huddled around Ross's phone. "I'm sending that to myself."

Ross nodded, a bright smile still on his face.

"I'm going to go get a drink," I chuckled one last time, walking out of the room and into the "kitchen" to get a bottle of tea. I wrote "kitchen" because it didn't exactly have a bunch of kitchen things in it. A fridge, a counter, a microwave, some silverware. It was the neatest room in the entire place. I guess that's a good thing.

Next thing I knew, my phone was blowing up like I was the most popular person in the world. It was all Twitter and Instagram notifications. My follower count on both social media accounts was increasing rapidly. Then, I saw a video I was tagged in. I tapped on it only to freeze in place. It was the video Ross took on his phone.

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