Spoiler Alert

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"You put that online?" I asked, walking back into the room. "God damn it, Ross!"

Danny gave me a high five.

"I enjoyed it, so I thought the fans would, too," he claimed. I sighed, turning off the notifications on both social medias.

"Well, isn't this fantastic?" I said with a little too much sarcasm then expected.

"I mean, it's not like the lovelies are bad people or anything. They won't be mean to you," Dan said, sticking his hands in his pocket.

"They're chill," Arin added.

"Alright," I said, "I trust you guys."

"You'll be fine!" Ross said with a smile.


Spoiler alert: I wasn't.

The next day, I would be walking down the street on my way to work and someone would run up to me like I was some kind of celebrity or something, hugging me, asking for pictures. A child said that I looked "really super pretty" in that video. A man around my age said that I was funny. The internet is very strange, I thought, Didn't they only see 15 seconds of me?

And the worse one of all was the teenage girl who immediately asked if Dan and I were dating. I didn't answer. I just walked away, acting as if I didn't hear her. I didn't want to answer that question, not now at least.

I entered the bar with a sigh, setting my stuff down on the floor behind the counter. I put on the black apron, and sat down on the barstool I set behind there. It was 4 PM. Rush hour didn't come until 5:30-6, so I had a while to goof around a little bit. "How are you?" I asked my boss as he walked past, carrying some trays. He nodded slightly, walking into another room. I rolled my eyes lightly. "Nice conversation."

The day was long. I had to work until 12 at night. Between the regular alcoholics, I found myself humming the songs from Starbomb and Ninja Sex Party. It was automatic, like breathing or blinking. I couldn't stop it, no matter what I did. From "It's Dangerous to Go Alone" to "Why I Cry," these goofs were always on my mind. Damn them for having such catchy songs that I couldn't get out of my head.

A man with bright blue eyes and a little too much gel in his blonde hair sat down at a barstool, folding his hands together on the counter.

"What can I get you?" I asked, standing uo from my own seat.

"Shot of whiskey, please." He mumbled, sliding his ID on the surface to prove he was of legal age. I nodded slightly, grabbing the bottle from on the shelf below me. He looked up at me and smiled. I slid the shot over to him. He waited a short three seconds before taking it down. "So, how are you?"

"Alright, little tired, I suppose," I sighed, taking the glass back.

"Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but were you on a video on instagram anytime recently?" He asked.

"You are indeed correct," I chuckled.

"Nice," he smiled. "I liked it. So, do you work for Arin and everyone?"

"Oh, no. Just a friend." I nodded.

His fingertips tapped slightly on the bar. "I see."

I heard the door open across the room. I turned my head automatically, secretly hoping it was Dan again, but alas, it was the same, old, alcoholic fart from before. "I'm back, baby cakes!"

"Baby cakes?" I raised an eyebrow. He stumbled over to me, clearly already drunk. He was probably kicked out of the previous bar he was in and wobbled himself down here.

"Yooourr boyfriend'sss not here now!" He cackled. I sighed, putting a set of clean glasses on the shelf behind me.

"How would you know? He could be in the bathroom," I responded.

The old man paused for a moment. "Fine. If he's not out in five minutes, honey lips-"

"Yes, sir. Now please go sit down somewhere before you faint." I nodded lightly. He growled, waddling away.

"Does Danny know you have a boyfriend?" The blondie asked.

"I don't. Just something to push the pervs away," I chuckled.

"Good." He said. Without another word, he stood up and walked away. Something about him made my skin crawl.

Five minutes after my shift ended, my ringtone immersed from my back pocket. I turned the screen on and held it to my ear. "Yes, Daniel?"

"What's up?" His voice seeped through the phone. I could tell he was tired.

"I just finished work," I replied. "How about you?"

"Nothing, really. Can't sleep."

"I'm sorry about that." I walked out the back door and into my car.

"Oh, don't worry about it. So, my insomnia's given me time to think and I came up with an idea."

"Go on," I said, holding the phone in between my shoulder and cheek as I pulled my hair out of the tight bun that's required for work. I put it into a loose ponytail instead.

"We should have a movie night."

"A movie night?" I repeated, sitting in my car. "Sure, I'd love to."

"Great! Is tomorrow okay?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I get off work at 4, I think. Is that okay?" I took a small sip of the water I had in the cup holder.

"Perfect." I could hear his smile through his words. "You don't mind coming to my house, do you? Brian's coming, too."

"Oh, not at all." I smiled. "Fine by me."

"I can pick you up, if you'd like."

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem."

He hung up the phone. I turned the screen off, the smile still hanging on my lips. I couldn't shake it away.

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