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~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

I sat in the car as Dan drove down the road. I trusted him with my life and loved him to death, but his secrecy terrified me. He bit his upper lip lightly, as if in deep thought. His eyes were distance, focusing on something far away. Not to mention that it was dark outside.

"Are you okay? Where are you taking me?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "I don't like this."

"Don't worry," he said as he turned his head towards me, sending me a reassuring smile. "You'll love it. I promise."

"Okay," I replied, turning back to the street in front of the car. His smile calmed my nerves a little, but something didn't feel right. I still felt as if something bad was going to happen. I took a deep breath, looking out the window as my anxiety crawled through my chest.

Five minutes later, Danny pulled the car over. My heart froze when I realized that the world was completely dark.

"Here," Danny said as he turned on a flashlight. He placed it in my hands before getting one out for himself. "Ready for a walk?"

"In the middle of the dark? This is very horror-game-where-the-girl-gets-murdered-unexpectedly like," I smiled, even though I'm pretty sure he couldn't see my face clear enough to notice it. "Do you have a hidden gun on you?"

He opened the door and stood outside. I did the same as he replied with, "Nope. That's just my penis."

I burst out laughing as I followed him, stepping over a fallen branch.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I asked, grabbing a hold of his arm so that I wouldn't lose him.

"It's just a place I found when I first moved here." He shined the flashlight down at our feet. "I like it, so I thought I'd show you, too."

"Oh," I said with a grin.

"Yeah. I thought you would like it."

We continued to talk as we walked. We discussed how our days were going, what the future plans for Game Grumps was, things along those lines, the casual small talk everyone says in the middle of silence. An owl called off in the distance, making me jump, but that's okay. Danny did, too.

"Close your eyes," Danny said all of a sudden, holding his big-ass hands over my eyes.

"Why?" I laughed, slowing down my steps. I held onto his hands.

"Just trust me! I've got you!" He laughed along, guiding me through the weeds on the ground grabbing at my ankles. I stumbled unsteadily, desperately grabbing onto his arms so that I wouldn't fall.

"Do you moisturize? Your hands are really soft." I chuckled.

"Nope. Just have really nice hands, apparently." He replied. I wish I could tell if he was smiling or not, or making any emotions at all.

A couple minutes later, we stopped. I held out my arms instantly in front of me to stop myself from running into something. He removed his hands from my eyes. "Oh my god!"

We stood at the end of the of a pier, a blue lake in front of us. The full moon's reflection shined onto the water. Danny grabbed a hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly. I looked up at him. "How did you find this?"

"I was just walking through the woods and here it was." He nodded.

"It's so beautiful!" I smiled brightly, looking at the moon.

"Right?" He said, moving his thumb up and down lightly against my skin. "Music?"

I noded. He pulled out his phone and played a slow song.

I leaned my head on his arm. "Can I ask you something, Danny?"

"Sure, ask away." He turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He began swaying back and forth to the song's slow rhythm.

I placed my hands on his chest. "Do you think..." my voice trailed off.

"Hm? Think what?" He blinked.

I looked down. "Nothing. It's stupid." I chuckled airily.

"There's nothing wrong with asking a stupid question." He smiled.

"Just...nevermind. Forget about it. It's not important." I sighed and smiled, sliding my hands up around his neck.

He hugged me to his chest and brought his lips closer to mine. "(Y/N), there hasn't been a single stupid word out of your mouth since the day I met you."

I laughed lightly. "I seriously doubt that." I pecked his lips. He melts and kisses back immediately, stopping our feet from moving and dancing along to the tune.

The light of the full moon was the only thing allowing us to see in the dark of the night, the love song echoing in our ears. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest, rocking back and forth on the creaky boards of the pier. I smiled and closed my eyes, breathing in his scent. I love you so much.

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now