The Greatest Job

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"Okay, get dressed," Dan said when I was dried off and back in the bedroom.

"Where are we going?" I asked, putting a shirt over my head.

"To the office." Dan replied.

There was a small pain in my chest. "Why?"

"Cause we have to. Arin told us to come in," Dan said, nodding a little.

I sighed. "Alright. I guess I don't really have a choice, huh?"

"Nope. Sorry."

"It's okay. It's our job, after all. Can't just stay at home, I suppose." I lick my lips, pulling my pants up my legs, wiggling my hips when they were pulled all the way up.

"Sorry.." Dan mumbled a little, scratching the back of his head.

"Why? You had nothing to do with it." I smile weakly. "Come on. Let's just go."

He nodded a little, leading me out into the car. We sat down in our usual seats, putting our seat belts on before starting the car. I gulped, nervous about walking back in as we drove off down the street.

The ride was full of silence between us, but it was settling. We really had nothing to talk about. It was just a long ride full of our breathing, along with the songs Danny played on his radio. Before I knew it, we arrived at the familiar building that I haven't seen in what felt like forever.

I opened the car door and met Danny on the other side. I grabbed a hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers together. He leaned down and kissed my head, making my smile. "It'll be okay." He grinned sweetly at me. I nodded.

We walked into the door. Barry and Arin were in the process of recording a game. They smiled at me kindly, making a short pause in their game play to wave at me, which I would have to edit out later. I froze. Editing. Shit!

Barry saw my expression and chuckled. "Don't worry. I edited a lot of videos for you while you were away."

"Thank you," I sighed a little in relief.

"No problem." He nodded and smiled at me, telling me he really didn't mind. A couple seconds later, the two men continued on with their commentary like normal.

We walked into Ross's part of the office, where he was in the middle of drawing on his tablet for what looked like a Game Grumps animation. He looked up and grinned. "Hey! (Y/N)! Long time, no see!"

I chuckled. "Nice to see you again, Ross. Now get back to work."

"Yes, Ma'm!" He saluted me with his Ross smile.

"Such a fruitcake." Danny laughed quietly as we left the room.

"Agreed." I giggled along.

"Wait, wait, really?" Suzy's excited voice entered my eardrums. She glanced over at us and smiled. "Mark, I gotta go. Bring her over."

She hung up the phone and automatically walkrd over, trapping the two of us in a tight hug. Danny and I chuckled a bit, hugging her back.

"It's been a while, huh?" She smiled happily.

"Yeah, it really has." Dan nodded. "We missed you, Suz."

"I missed you guys, too!" She grinned before walking out of the room and into the one we walked out of. "Nice to see you again."

"Everyone's so cheerful."

"Well, we all love it here. It always puts a smile on my face." He grins a little.

"How do you do it?" I blink.

"Do what?"

"Stay positive all the time. I was a wreck this entire time. How were you able to take care of me?" I look up at him.

He smiled and chuckled a little. "Because I have so much to be happy for. I love the lovelies, I love my friends, I love my family, I love my surroundings, and most of all, I love you. It's impossible to be sad when I'm around such good things."

I tear up and smile like a fool. "You're such a good person, Dan." I grin and stand up on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck as I push my lips against his. He instantly gripped my waist with his hands, pulling me to his chest as his soft lips brushed around mine. I closed my eyes, running my fingers through his mane as I sucked on his bottom lip gently.

Then, someone cleared their throat. Danny and I pulled away from each other with a start. Mark was standing in the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt your make out session, love birds, but we have a very playfully puppy out here."

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now