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The livestream started and everyone sat down on the couch. Barry made sure the livestream was up and running before sitting down himself at the end. I sat up, since I would be the one playing. I leaned forward on my knees and smiled at the camera.

"Is it working?" Ross asked, pulling up the livestream on his phone. He nodded. "That's a yes."

"Yay!" Suzy cheered with very little effort.

"Happy Halloween, everybody." Arin waved at the camera.

"Yeah! Happy Halloween." The rest of us cheered in a very messy chorus.

"We're playing a cute little game about four fluffy animals, also known as Five Nights at Freddy's," Suzy said with a bright smile.

"And (Y/N)'s playing this game, cause she hasn't done so before." Ross awkwardly patted my head.

"I'm afraid. Why is everyone so nice and cheerful?" I chuckle a bit under my breath.

"Ah-ha-ha! Oh, (Y/N). You're such a doll." Arin patted my shoulder. I gulped.

"This isn't a cute game, is it?" I asked.

"Anyway, let's get started!" Ross grinned his grin as I was handed a mouse and a board to put it on so I didn't have to play on the couch or my lap. Barry reached over and turned the game on as Dan patted my shoulder. I sighed a bit.

The game popped up and I froze. The first screen of the game was enough to make my heart stop. A terrifying, stuffed purple rabbit with cold dead eyes was staring at me through a hazy screen. "I don't wanna play this anymore."

Spoiler alert: Five Nights at Freddy's is not a happy game about fluffy animals who want to give you hugs and friendship.

After my thirty-seventh death on the hardest mode of the game, which I was dared to do by almost everyone, my once terrified scream turned into a battlecry of anger. "Fuck you, you dumb ass rabbit! I'll grill you and feed it to Mark's dog!"

Thirty-eight deaths.

"Augh!" I threw my hands in the air. The other grumps laughed at my rage.

"It's okay, babe, you'll get 'em next time," Danny laughed along, rubbing my back soothingly. I grumbled unintelligible words underneath my breath as I fell back against the couch. Then, the room went dark. The TV screen, the laptop, the lights. Everything went black.

I clung to Danny, curling up against him. "W-what? What the actual fuck?" He wrapped his arm around me, his fingers grabbing my shirt in stress.

The lights turned back on. I looked up away from Dan's chest at the other grumps only to see that they were gone.

"Oookay, guys, very funny." Danny let out a nervous chuckle, releasing his grip on my shirt. "Come on out."

"Nice joke, everyone.." I stood up. "You're trying to scare me; I get it."

"Where did they go so quickly?" Dan asked, standing up himself. "They were awfully quiet."

As Dan said those words, I saw a small piece of paper on the laptop Barry used to control the livestream, which was now off. I chuckled a bit and walked over to it. I picked it up in my hands and read the slightly sloppy handwriting in red.

"Hey, why'd you start the stream without me?

Love Kev"

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now