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~Dan's PoV~

As soon as (Y/N) stepped out of the car, she started jumping up and down on her toes like a child, her arms curled up against her chest. I grinned at the adorable sight before I walked around the side of the car.

"Come one, you silly pillowcase, let's go!" She yelled with a laugh as she grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the park enterance.

As she ran in front of me, I patted my jean's left back pocket to make sure I didn't drop it.

Automatically, she ran to the line of people leading to a rather large ride. The sign above the line read The Rocket and it seemed like it went straight up towards the sky before shooting down at a very high speed and eventually flipping upside down mid-ride. "Oooh boy. This looks safe," I said sarcastically with a tiny laugh.

The two teen girls in front of us froze and slowly turned around to face us with wide eyes. One of them had bright neon pink hair down to her waist while the other had short blood-red hair up to her ears. They looked at each other, than at us.

"A-are you Danny and (Y/N)?" The red haired girl stuttered out.

"From Game Grumps?" The other girl asked quietly and cautiously, almost as if she were afraid to speak up.

(Y/N) and I smiled. "Indeed we are," I replied a little sheepishly.

Instantly, the teens squealed, covering their mouths and jumping up and down. The both of us jumped a tiny bit at their reaction. After they calmed down and I was sure 90% of the people in that line were staring at us, the girls just grinned massively.

"Can we get a picture? Please?" The pink haired girl asked, clasping her hands together.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

"I don't mind." (Y/N) smiled adorably, which made me smile even wider.

The girls both took out their phones and posed in front of us. We did the same thing. (Y/N) put on a large grin and held up a piece sign. I tilted my body to the side, pursed out my lips, and looked at the camera over my shoulder.

They jumped up and down, giggling like madmen. The pink haired girl seemed to be opening up more. "Are the others here?" She asked, still quiet.

"No, we went alone this time," I responded. "They're at the HQ right now."

"Oh. Can you tell Arin I said hi, please?" She asked, a tiny smile on her lips.

(Y/N) grinned massively. "Of course!" She nodded. She's so adorable, I thought to myself.

After standing in line for what felt like three hours (but was actually fifteen minutes), we finally reached the front of the line. (Y/N) was getting more and more excited. The teenage worker opened the metal gate to let us on the ride and sat got in first. Before I could even sit down, she already had her seat belt on and was staring at me like I was the slowest person in the world. I chuckled. "Little eager, are we?"

"Yes! Let's go!" She giggled. I smiled and sat down, putting on my seat belt afterward.

The worker pulled the safety bar down over our laps and sighed a bit. "Please keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. If you have any personal belongings on your person, please remember that we are not responsible for any broken items that fell out of the car. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime," he said in a monotonous tone as if he had said that line a thousand times that day already, which he probably did. (Y/N) smiled brightly and chuckled.

Soon afterward, the worker walked over to the control a few feet away. He pulled a large lever and the coaster groaned to life, the chains and metal creaking underneath the car's weight. (Y/N) took a deep breath and gripped onto the safety bar with both her hands. The ride slowly turned upward towards the sky, forcing us to look up at the slightly-cloudy blue above us.

"Dan," she called my name.


"Don't die." She laughed.

"What? Why would I die?" I laughed along. We slowly climbed up the tracks.

"I don't know! Maybe you'll suffocate on your own hair from it blowing in your face or something," she teased.

"Oh, yes, that'll totally happen," I chuckled. Slowly but surely, we reached the top of the hill, where the car stopped. My stomach flipped at the sudden break. "What? Is it supposed to stop here?"

She shrugged a bit.

I huffed. "Great. Now we're stuck up he-EEEEEEEEERRRRE!" Suddenly, the car lunged forward, going straight down the hill we just took a good three minutes to climb. My hands jumped to the bar as her arms immediately grabbed onto mine. We both let out screams of both joy and slight terror as the car sped off through loops and around sharp bends. It was over as soon as it started. The ride slowly brought us back to the front. With hesitant steps, we both carefully stepped out of the car, trying to find out how gravity works again.

Once our legs worked properly, we headed out the gate that read "Exit", (Y/N) now walking in front of me.

(( My only excuse for not updating as much is simply this. Finals suck. A lot. More updates coming soon. ))

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