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I froze. "D-Dan, who's handwriting is this? Someone's playing a really sick joke.." I stuttered out.

"What?" Danny walked over and looked over my shoulder. In an instant, his face turned white and pale. "Th-that's Kevin's.."

"He's dead," I said immediately. "He didn't write this."

"N-no, he always used a red pen. Th-the way he writes the 'm'. I-It's his h-handwriting.." I turned around and looked at my boyfriend behind me. He had a look of pure terror on his face. He wasn't lying.

"N-no.." I gently placed the note back down on the laptop's keyboard. "It's not him, Dan! It's not!"

He nodded a bit, his voice now a whisper. "But it is."

"I'm calling Arin." I reach for my phone in my pocket as the laptop screen flickers on. It quickly reboots itself before turning into a white screen. In the bottom left corner is a combination of black letters. THE UNFORTUNATE.

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"What the hell?" Dan added. The words were extremely familiar. The combination of the two words. The Unfortunate. Then it hit me. It was the title of the video where we told the lovelies of Kevin's death. I walked out of the room and into the next, sitting down in the spinny chair in front of the computer where I edit videos. I immediately logged onto YouTube, clicking the video with the title stated on the white screen. Everything seemed like it had when I first put it up. There were hundreds of thousands of comments wishing the Game Grumps team well. I clicked through the video and everything seemed perfectly fine like it always had been. I couldn't find anything wrong or different with anything.

I clicked on the description of the video and reread the large paragraph that listed everything Kevin was known for, his best features, his likes and wishes. That all seemed normal (and horribly depressing) as well. Until I scrolled to the very bottom. After the paragraph, there was a tiny line of text that I don't remember putting there when it was first uploaded.

Thank you, guys.

I sat there, staring at the twelve extra letters on the screen. I didn't know what to think. As far as I knew, Barry almost never tempted with the normal videos, and I knew for a fact he wouldn't mess with a memorial video like this one. None of the other Grumps bothered with the videos at all. Were we being hacked? No, surely a hacker would do more than just write three words at the bottom of a description that only half of our subscribers read anyway. For a split second, I considered Arin as a possibility. It is his channel, after all, but similar to Barry, he's too nice and respectful to add something to a video like this. Maybe it really was-

A painful thump ran through my skull mid-thought. I winced and gritted my teeth, holding my head in my hands. A loud ringing filled my eardrums. Uncontrollable tears rolled down my cheeks in streams. I covered my ears as I fell off of the chair and onto my side, curling up in a ball as I screamed out in pain. I squinted my eyes tightly. Then, it all stopped.


"Ughh.." I groaned, holding my head. I felt the mattress underneath me, my head resting on a pillow. The bright sunlight shined in my face, making my scalp throb. I slowly opened my eyes. "Damn.."

"Morning, Sunshine," Danny said, walking into our bedroom. He had a cup of coffee in his hand, which he handed to me.

"What happened last night..?" I grumbled taking a sip from the mug.

"It was pretty fun, but you passed out early. I guess even a bartender can have her limits on alcohol." He chuckled with a smile.

"B-but I didn't drink.." I muttered.

"Wow, you were hammered.." he stroaked my head softly, pushing my hair behind my ear. "Good thing we have the day off, right? You need your rest."

"..Yeah." I huffed a little. I didn't have a drop of alcohol. Why do I feel so hungover..?

"Want some breakfast? Anything you want. Say it, I'll make it." Dan smiled sweetly. I grinned back immediately. He grabbed a hold of my hand and kissed my cheek gently.

"Pancakes?" I muttered.

He nodded and squeezed my hand gently before pulling away and walking out of the room.

I sighed a bit with a smile on my lips as my eyes followed him out of the door. Then, all the memories from the night before flooded back into me at once like a tsunami of emotion. I picked my phone up off of the bedside table and tapped on the YouTube app. I went on the Game Grumps channel and scrolled through the recently uploaded videos in search for the specific one I wanted. I blinked, scrolling through with my finger, but I missed it the first time. I scrolled back through a second time and did the same thing. It took me a good four or five times before I realized the video was no longer on the channel.

I growled, anger flowing through my body. Barry took it off!! I yelled in my head, angrily clicking Barry's name on my contact list. The phone rang as I impatiently held the phone to my ear.

"Hello, it's Barry," he answered.

"Why the hell did you take it off?!" I practically yelled. "That was an important video and you know it!"

"What..?" Confusion laced through his words.

"Why did you take the video off of the channel?!" I laid my head in my hands, tears forming in my eyes. Damn him.

"What are you talking about? I didn't touch any of the videos. I didn't even know there was one missing. Maybe you should go ask Kevin. He'd know."

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now