Pool Pranks

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It was Friday afternoon. Suzy, her twin sister, Jean, and I were walking around the local mall, checking in from store to store. When both of the twins are around, Jean always walks on my left, Suzy on my right. That's always how it's been since we met at that anime convention how many years ago.

"So, (Y/N), how's bar tending working out for you?" Jean asked, looking at me.

I shrugged. "All the pests can get kinda hard to handle, but I work it out."

"Is the pay well?" Suzy said with a smile.

"As well as bar tending can make," I laughed. Then, my phone buzzed in my hand.

Hey there

I smiled lightly. It was from Dan, of course.

Me: Howdy stranger. What's up?

Dan: Just wondering what the plan is for tomorrow. (:

Me: what time is it?

Dan: Noon.

Me: Okay. Do you want to just meet at the bar then we can go from there?

Dan: Yeah, sure.

Me: See you then. (:

Dan: Oh, and it's a pool party. Forgot to mention that. :P

I chuckled lightly, shaking my head. He just forgot that there was swimming, water, and swimsuits involved? I doubted it.

"Who are you texting?" Suzy asked. "That was a very flirtatious chuckle there."

"Just a friend," I replied, putting my phone away. Jean raised and eyebrow at me and smirked.

"...alright. Ooh, let's go there!" Jean pointed across from me at a store.


I stood outside the bar, leaning against the wall in a baggy t-shirt and jean shorts that ended mid-thigh. I looked at my phone. The time read 12:48. A minute later, a car pulled up to the curb. Dan's face peaked out of the open window.

I opened the car door, sitting in the passenger seat. "I think three people thought I was a prostitute," I said with a chuckle.

"Well, you were waiting outside of a bar in short shorts and a slightly oversized T-shirt," he responded, pulling away from the building. "The perfectly spiraled curls don't help either."

"It'd be even worse if I wore my make-up," I laughed.

He looked slightly shocked. "You're not wearing any?"

"Nope! Why would I wear make up to a pool party?" I asked. He shrugged. "So, who's party is this for?"

"My friend Ross just wanted to throw a party," he replied, taking a left turn.

"Oh, okay," I smiled, looking out of my window. Out of the corner of my vision, I thought I saw Dan smile as well, but I allowed myself to forget about it. A short car ride later, we pulled into a driveway.

"Okay," Dan turned off the car, leaving a thick silence around us. "Here we are."

We opened the car doors and took a step out of the car. I followed behind him as he walked into the house in front of us.

"Oh, Da-" a girl with short, light-colored hair froze mid-sentence when she saw me. She was wearing a blue one-piece with sunglasses on her head.

"Holly, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Ross's wife, Holly." Danny introduced us.

"Hi there," I waved.

She smiled. "Hi! Are you two-"

"Just friends," Dan and I said simutaniously.

"Okay, then," She nodded. "Well, the pool's out back. Everyone else is out there already."

"Thanks," I responded, following Dan once more. We walked out the doors leading to the backyard, where a large pool was placed underground in the middle of the grass.

"Oh, hey, Dan," a man with short hair walked up to us, chugging a can of soda. He tilted his head in my direction. "Girl from Arin and Suzy's wedding."

"That's Ross," Danny sighed.

"You're in a few of those pictures I saw," I smiled, pointing at him with a small nod.

"Indeed. Good job, Dan," Ross patted Dan's back as he passed us. I raised an eyebrow at the Australian man, watching him walk inside.

The day went on. Dan introduced me to everyone there, like Barry and Kevin. We were all having a grand old time, but I was the only one that wasn't in the water yet.

"Get in, (Y/N)!" Suzy cheered, waving at me in her swimsuit with her skinny ass body.

"Oh, no thanks!" I yelled back, sitting on a chair in the shade. "I'm okay!"

"This is a pool party! Get your ass in here!" Ross yelled, attempting to splash me as he wiped some water off of his face.

"Do I have to?" I laughed.

"Yes!" Barry claimed.

I sighed, standing up. "Fine. I'll stick my feet in. Happy?" I took a seat on the edge of the pool, putting my legs in.

"Lameee!" Ross teased. I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself. Suddenly, Dan went running from behind me, jumping over my head and into the water. I screamed, covering my head. Then, I felt someone push me from behind. I fell into the pool, hearing the faded laughter of everyone at the party. I swam back up to the surface to see Arin laughing outside of the pool where I was sitting.

"Arin Joseph Hanson, I will end you!" I yelled, pushing my hair out of my eyes. This caused another roar of laughter. I climbed out of the pool in my wet clothes. "You are so lucky I have a bikini on under this!"

I growled at him and took the wet shirt off, curling it into a ball and throwing it at him. It fell to the cement with a gross sounding plop.

"Take it off!" Someone yelled. I started laughing, flipping him off. While I sat back down on the chair, shaking the water off my arms and hands, I saw Dan sneak back into the house.

"Fuck you guys!" I laughed, collapsing on the chair as I tried to catch my breath.

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