The Livestream

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"That was the hardest level you've made?" I asked, passing the controller to Ross.

"How? You did it in one try!" He yelled.

"That took us how many episodes?" Arin said, a look of awe on his face.

"You've never played this before today?" Dan asked. I shook my head.

I was sitting in between Danny and Arin. Ross sat on the end on the couch. I leaned back on the couch, relaxing against the back cushion. I turned on my phone and went on my Twitter. The first post I saw with me tagged in it was "YOU ARE GOD." sent by @YoungLittleNova.

"I am not God. I am Satan, Nova." I said, taking a drink of water as I looked at the camera with a straight face. "Get it right."

"You just flew through that like if was level 1-1!" Ross was still yelling. "I didn't even beat that one!"

"Get on my level, bro," I smiled.

"I think that's enough Mario Maker," Arin sighes. "Now that I feel like a pathetic loser in your presence."

Spoiler alert: we couldn't decide on a game.

"What do you guys recommend?" Arin asked. A few seconds later, thousands of posts was sent in. Arin sighed and read the first one that was sent. He looked at us. "Truth or Dare?"

I shrugged.

"I'm down," Ross said.

"That's fine," Danny replied.

"Alright, then. How's this gonna work?" Arin asked.

"Just let them ask the truth and-or dares." Ross said. Almost instantly, the fans were sending in posts. Arin nodded, turning on his phone.

"@(random twitter name) dares someone to do a handstand. I choose Dan."

"Ohhh, no. I can not do that." He chuckled.

"Fine. (Y/N)?" Arin turned to look at me. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up, walking behind the couch.

I did a running start and put my hands on the ground. My feet flipped upwards and my arms supported my weight.

"WOO!" Arin yelled as the three of men clapped their hands. I put my legs back on the ground and pulled my shirt down.

"I was doubting myself," I said, laughing as I sat back down beside Danny and Arin. "Haven't done that since the 11th grade."

"You still got it," Danny said with a smile.

"Yeah, I do," I chuckled. "I'm proud of myself."

It was Ross's turn. "@(random twitter name) asks (Y/N) if she likes anybody on the Game Grump team, including Ninja Brian. And not like as in a friend. I mean love-like."

I felt everyone's eyes on me. I gulped. "Next question."

"Oh, no no no," Arin chuckled.

"Answer it, (last name)," Ross grinned. "This 'truth' was specifically for you."

I said the first thing that came to my mind in my best "teenage girl" voice. "Barry is so HOT."

"Oh, yessss, totally." Arin added, making us all chuckle. I laughed along, a smile on my face covering the heart attack that the question sent into my chest.


The livestream ended around 9 o'clock at night. I huffed, standing up. "I'll be back."

Kevin went home a while ago, as well as Suzy and Holly. I know Ross was about to leave. Danny and Arin said they were going to discuss a couple things for the channel and Starbomb. I was debating on whether I should go or not. I wondered into the room where Kevin and Barry usually work and sat down in a bean bag chair in the corner, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

"You okay?" Danny's voice entered my ears. I opened my eyes once more to see him in the doorway. I sat up as much as you can in a bean bag chair.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. A little tired," I chuckled. "but fine."

"Oh." He smiled. "That"s good. You seemed a earlier."


"When you ran out of the room forever ago, and during Truth or Dare," he replied, walking over towards me. "Maybe it's just me, but you looked like you were going to hurl."

"Was I? I'm sorry," I mumbled, looking down slightly. My heart was beating again. "I guess I just get like that sometimes."

"There it is again," he noted. He pulled another bean bag from the other side of the room over next to mine. "Are you sure you're okay?"

No. If you get any closer, I'm 90% sure I'm going to blush and die of embarrassment.

"Oh, yeah, completely. As I said, just a little tired." I lied.

"If you say so," he nodded, sitting down in the beanbag. He leaned backwards and sunk into the chair with a relaxed sigh. "Sitting on that couch really gets old after a while."

"Yeah. I guess it'd be worse for you, though, recording all the time with Arin." I said.

"It's not that bad when you're actually doing something besides reading tweets." He smiled at me. "So, Barry is so HOT, huh?"

"Oh, so hot." I said. We laughed. It took me a minute or two, but I finally realized that Dan's hand was hanging off of the beanbag chair, palm facing the ground. Maybe it was just me, but I felt like it was just begging to be held.

"I better get going. Arin's probably waiting for me." Danny stood up. He held his hand out towards me. I took it, allowing him to help me up.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Do you want me to drive you home now?" He asked. I forgot that he drove me here from his house. "Or you can stay a little bit longer, too. I don't think anyone'll mind."

"I'll just leave when you leave," I said. He nodded and walked out of the room with a grin.

I Love The Deadly Ninja ((Danny Sexbang X Reader))Where stories live. Discover now