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Everything smells like smoke, but there's no fire.
I can't see where I'm going, but all I know is that I'm running towards something, someone. Voices around me shout and scream in agony and despair. Familiar voices, but none I can place.
Then I do place one. Ebb. She's crying, screaming for someone, but I can't find her. Her voice is silenced so quickly it snatches the air from around me. I almost fall on my face, out of grief, sadness, and anger, but I manage to keep upright.
Then I feel the pull of magic in my gut, which does send me to the ground. My magic spreads up my sides and fills my whole body. It burns the back of by throat and sloshes through my skin. A body brushes past my arm. Baz. He's running too, but I still can't see what we're running from.
"Simon," he yells over his shoulder, trying to be heard over the cacophony of screams around us. "Simon, he's coming!"
I don't know who he is, but he sounds like someone I shouldn't strike up a conversation with. Suddenly, the smoke in front of us clears, and I see the source of fire. I can feel my magic being sucked out of my bones by the small figure in front of me. The Humdrum is surrounded by flames, but Baz doesn't see him.
I do. "Baz!" I scream, beating my wings to clear the smoke.
The Humdrum has a hand on Baz's neck, and Baz is able to choke out, "Go!" before the flames consume both of them.
I wake up suddenly, gasping, then promptly fall out of the bed. Baz jerks up, grabs his wand, and points around. When he sees nothing, he looks over at my side of the bed. He sees its empty, then looks down at me swearing on the ground. I hit a pile of clothes I need to wash. "Snow," he breathes, "for fuck's sake! You scared the shit out of me." He holds out a hand, and I take it, sliding off the floor and throwing my clothes in a pile.
Baz looks at me in disgust, then rolls his eyes. "You're an absolute moron, you know?"
I shiver. "It's not my fault," I mumble, grabbing onto his shirt. "I thought- I thought you were dead. Just like Ebb a-and the Mage-" Now that I've said it, it seems childish, but it still hurts. My eyes sting and I must look even more pathetic than I feel, because Baz pulls me into him, then drags me back into bed.
"It's alright. You'll be okay. I'm right here," he whispers, still holding my against his chest like a child. "I'm always here, Simon."
We sleep for the rest of the night. I am woken up to Baz spelling leftovers warm for breakfast. I stumble into the bathroom and clean myself up. It's still pretty weird, living with Baz again. This time, though, it's by choice. I lived with Penny for a while, but she finally got Micah to come overseas, so they're staying together. Baz was happy about me living with him now (we've been dating for three years) but he insists I keep my stuff clean (which is hard). Baz hands me a plate and sits down next to me. "Snow, please watch the tail!"
I extract my tail from his leg and he sighs. He's been off for a while. He'll look at me strangely, then turn away when I ask him what's wrong. Baz learned the "robot spell" that Penelope used to cast on me, so he spells me up nice and tidy this morning. He heads off to uni after he gives me a quick kiss. Baz goes to some fancy university his parents wanted him to go to. After school he works in some magickal library near here. He deciphers books and translates the ones in Latin. I wonder why he didn't say much this morning. Baz isn't a silent person. At all. Before I have time to ponder this, Penny calls me.
"Simon, hi!"
"Hello Penny." I roll my eyes at her energy. "I'm leaving for class now."
"Good. Did Baz spell your wings?"
"Do you have your stuff?"
"Yes, Penny, I can take care of myself." I scoop up my bag and leave the flat, locking the door behind me. "What's going on?"
"Nothing, just wanted to check in before I went into the lab," she responds. Penny has a lab where she tests new spells. It's actually pretty great, even though I can't use it. I say a quick goodbye to Penny before my phone loses service, then I head to the bus stop. I catch a bus down to uni. I'm majoring in ecological recovery. I might go to work with Penny's dad after I finish up school. While I ride the bus, I remember that I have finals today. Fun.
I trudge home at around 4:00. Our holiday just started, so I have off from school for a while. The sky is miserable, but it isn't raining yet, so I'm thankful. I run up the stairs to our flat and unlock the door. Baz isn't home yet, so I flop down on the couch and flip through channels on TV. Baz usually beats me home. I wonder if he had extra to do today. I don't hear him walk in, but I hear him shut the door loudly.
"Hello," I call. Baz puts his coat in the rack and sits down gracefully (of course) next to me.
"How was school today?" he asks me.
He never asks me. "Good, I guess. I have one professor who is really picky, and he collected our studies and told us they all sucked before he looked at them. Also, I thought you thought my school was too Normal and boring. "
He nods. "Your degree, yeah. You? Not at all."
I smile at him. You're adorable, Baz. "What about you? How was the library?" We don't really talk about his school much. Mainly because the library is such an interesting topic.
He laughs. "We were translating a book of curses from Latin and Alexa cast one on herself by accident and grew tentacles."
Alexa is one of the other magicians who works at the library with Baz. She has the biggest crush on him.  (So I've heard. We haven't met yet.)
"Is she okay, though?" I ask.
"She's fine. We sorted her out."
"Good. Hey, Baz?"
"Do I ever get to meet Alexa and your other co-workers?"
Baz smirks. "Yeah. I haven't told them that we're dating, though. Most of them know because of their friends at Watford who saw us like three years ago, but Alexa is still oblivious to the fact that I'm completely gay and completely taken."
I smile and I slip my cross necklace into my pocket. He eyes me warily, and then he kisses me. 
It feels good to have Baz. I don't know what I'd do without him.


I thought I'd try a carry on fanfic. What do you think?


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