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Penelope's agitated the whole drive. Baz called her a minute ago with an address and told us that we're going to find Simon. I glance over at her from the drivers seat, and she's twisting both of her rings.
"We're going to be alright," I say calmly, though I'm not sure I believe it.
"I know, I'm just worried. I have a bad feeling about this, and I don't want..."
"I know, Pen. No one is going to die," I respond. I believe this less than the last statement I told her. I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. The feeling that only exists right before disaster.
We pull up silently behind the building where Quendon lives. Penelope and I grab our wands and open the car door. Baz is already here, wand out and scouring the walls for a way in. Jason and Alexa pull up next, and Damian pulls up last. We all stand there for a moment, not sure how to get in or what to do. Baz disappears around the side of the house for a second, then comes back over to us.
"I found a door other than the front," he says quietly. We all nod.
"Everyone knows defensive spells?" I ask reflexively. Always good to be prepared.
They all nod.
Baz goes to open the door, but Jason stops him. "I have an idea," he whispers, stalking towards the window. "Rachel? Let us in. We're here to save you," he calls at the open window.
She peeks her blonde head out and nods.
A second later, the door unlocks. We all sneak in silently. I nod in thanks at Rachel. She smiles silently, then twitches and glares at me. I back away.
"Is she okay?" I ask Penny.
Penelope shakes her head. "She got the testing end of Quendon's treatments."
I shiver involuntarily. Rachel walks down to the basement, acting as if she can't see us. Which she probably can't. We all casted "These aren't the droids you're looking for!" on each other when we entered. Rachel walks down a narrow hallway, and we all follow. Well, I assume we all follow. I can't see anyone. I follow, and so does Penelope. She grabs my hand halfway down the hall. Rachel turns into a doorway and walks down a set of stairs. We follow. I can hear footsteps that aren't ours above us, but I don't investigate. That's Damian, Alexa, and Jason's job: to find Quendon. Penny, Baz, and I are going to follow Rachel until she leads us to Simon, then Baz is going to revers all the spells on him. I still don't understand what we're here to do, Penny and I, but I do know I'd rather be on this mission. Rachel is the least likely to stab us. And I want to be close to Penelope. I need to be close to her.
Rachel pulls out a key and whispers, "I don't know where you are, but this is it. Do what you can."
We walk into the room and I cast a "Come out, come out wherever you are!" to remove the invisibility spell on all of us. I wish the two spells were pairs. I did a whole experiment with pair spells, and they work better. Penelope shimmers into sight next to me, but Baz is already picking his way across the room with his wand out. There's pieces of something wooden and broken. I don't know what, though, which is bothersome, but not the most pressing issue.
Simon's attached to the far wall somehow by his wings, which are spread out fully. I never really saw Simon's wings before now. I moved when he moved out, so I don't see him without a spell on them. They're much larger than I expected. I look at his face and wince. There's a large cut going down the side of his face. He looks like he's asleep, but when I trip over the nearest piece of wood (really, someone ought to clean this up), his eyes open blearily.
Baz jumps over a chair and runs to Simon, who still looks confused. Before he can register that we're here to save him, Baz has his arms around Simon. I smile and grab Penny's hand. She squeezes my hand and looks to the stairs. There's no sound from upstairs, which scares me. I do hope the others are okay. Simon's wings peel off of the wall and he winces. "My wings are so sore," he says quietly. He still looks so dazed.
Baz slid an arm around his back to steady him. Simon braces himself against Baz, leaning his head on Baz's shoulder. Both of them look like being with the other is a miracle. (I get it,though.) (If it were Penny...) We start towards the door, Penelope leading the way. Before we can leave, the door slams open.
Rachel is standing there, looking terrified. There's a scratch down the side of her face that's dripping blood.
"Something has gone terribly wrong," she whispers, but we all hear her.
She gives a small gasp as a knife blade peeks out from her stomach. 
Quendon pulls the blade out maliciously, and Rachel Lafayette's body falls.
Then he turns his wand on us.

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