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I keep waking Baz up for no reason, and he looks exhausted. He sits on the edge of the bed, waking me up. When he sees I'm awake, he smiles and says, "Get a move on, Snow, we have things to do!"
I'm so glad I'm home today, I think sleepily, stretching out my arms and wings and rolling out of bed.
Baz looks at me and smirks, eyes shining as if he has a secret. "Morning, Snow," he says, already dressed and ready. "Glad you could join us. It's already noon."
Us? I wonder, grabbing a shirt and throwing it over my head. Penny's sitting on our couch. "Oh, um, hi, Penelope," I bluster, which for some reason makes Baz snort. I look at him, trying to figure out what is so funny. He looks up from his phone. "Happy Christmas, Snow."
"Thanks. Same to you," I respond cautiously, then turn my attention back to Penelope. "How are you? I haven't really seen you a lot recently."
She smiles and twists her ring. "I'm great." I realize she's not twisting her purple ring, or any ring I've seen. Instead, she's twisting a small diamond ring. "Penny!" I yelp, surprised, but ecstatic. "Micah proposed?!"
She grins from ear to ear. "Yup! Baz, you owe me money."
Baz huffs. "Fine, fine,"
"Don't tell me you two bet on whether I was going to notice," I groan.
The looks on their faces confirm it.
I shake my head. "I thought you were going to be the one to propose."
She rolls her eyes. "He beat me to it."
Something in my mind clicks. "Penny, who's moving? Are you going to America or is Micah staying here?"
Her smile fades a little. "Well, we're not sure. The wedding itself hasn't even been planned. I'll talk to him about it." She checks her watch and yelps, "Oh no, I have to be back in the lab at two! Bye guys, see you later." She jumps off the couch and looks at Baz for a second. Then she walks out the door.
I turn to question Baz, but he looks as confused as I feel. He finds me staring, and rearranges his face into a smile. "I have an idea. Grab your coat and come with me." He puts a "These aren't the droids you're looking for" on my wings and tail and we lock the door behind us. Baz runs down the stairs, and it takes me a few seconds to catch up to him. We both get in the car, and Baz drives relatively slowly. (For him, anyway.) He takes me to a park. The snow everywhere is beautiful, but I'm chilled to the bone.
Baz looks at me nervously and says, "I- um, need to go eat something," he mumbles as he points to the woods.
"Go ahead, Baz, I'll be right here."
He nods thankfully and walks slowly but deliberately toward the woods. I brush the snow off of a nearby park bench and sit down on, looking at the winter wonderland around me. The trees look like something off of a postcard, and there's a frozen lake in front of me. Kids are ice skating across it, laughing and chasing each other. I smile, thinking of the days when I would be joining them. I turn around and see Baz at the edge of the woods, looking right at me. I grin, an evil plan already forming in my head. I scoop up a little bit of snow and form it into a perfect snowball. As soon as Baz gets in range, I launch it at him. It hits Baz right where I aimed- square in the face. He looks like he's going to murder me. I laugh and get up from the bench. Before I can react, he pegs me with a snowball right in the shoulder. I grab more snowballs and we have an all out snowball war. Soon enough, I get close enough to be able to kiss him, and I do. He kisses me back, almost as a challenge. We break apart after a few seconds, and Baz now looks nervous.
"Simon, I- I don't really know how to say this, but-"
Crowley, is he breaking up with me? I think frantically, going through the past few days. Is this why he was acting weird?
"I love you. A lot. And, oh fuck, I suck at this. Will you marry me?" he blusters, getting down on one knee.
I'm in a state of shock. "Baz, there's no one I'd rather spend my life with." Fuck, that was cheesy.
He smiles. And then he kisses me.
"I love you," I whisper into his neck.
I'm sure he hears, because he grins like a maniac. "I love you too, Simon."
We walk back to Baz's car, hand in hand.
I ask him, "Is that why you've been acting weird? Like all week?"
"I-I was?"
"Yeah. You kept looking at me strangely and then you would play it off."
"Guess I was just nervous."
"Nervous about me?"
"Yes, Simon. I didn't want to lose you."
I grin up at him. He's always taller than me. "Lose me? There's no way you could have. I'm stuck to you like glue."
He snorts. "Or a sticking charm."
I slap his arm playfully. "Damn it, Baz!"
He laughs.
Which makes me laugh.
Two updates what??! jk
can I get an amen?
in all seriousness, is anyone else besides me really excited for the wedding?
not sure if I'm going to write it though.
what do you think?

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