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Quendon comes in at random times. He took all of my stuff besides my watch, so I know what time it is mostly. That's all I know, though. I don't know why I'm here, or why he wants Baz. The doctor comes in, with one of the largest needles I have ever seen and a short, blonde girl I've never seen.
"Who's she?" I ask, not bothering with politeness. Then I realize I probably should say nothing because this guy has me stuck to a wall. He could do anything to me right now because I can't do anything to help him.
Quendon sneers, and it reminds me of Baz. "My daughter. Rachel, say hi."
The girl gives a noncommittal flick of the head and walks toward me. I'm currently stuck to a wall with some charm, which is extremely uncomfortable. I haven't slept well in at least three days, and it probably shows in my face, because Quendon looks happier than I've seen him. Rachel pulls out her wand, and I recoil. I hate having spells casted on me. She rolls her eyes, but the attempt is feeble. Rachel casts a spell in Greek at my arm. It cools my arm, which worries me, but not as much as Quendon does. He's heading towards me with the giant needle.
I strain against the spell holding me on the wall. "What are you going to do to me?"
He smiles creepily. "Nothing to worry about, Mister Snow."
He stabs my arm, and I cry out. I can feel whatever it is coursing through my veins. I focus on my breathing. My head starts to go fuzzy, but I try to fight above it. Quendon leans in. "Now, where is the Pitch brat?"
I almost blurt it out, but I shake my head. "I don't know who that is."
Quendon flips a table at the wall and it splinters into pieces. One flings up and hits the side of my head. I feel the blood start dripping down my face. Quendon grabs me by the shirt front. I can't really do anything, so I try to move my head away from him. "Do not lie to me, boy. You live with him. I saw you!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," I say coolly, narrowing my eyes. It's harder for me to act like this. Something in me wants to tell him where I think Baz is.
Quendon slaps me across the face with the back of his hand. He hits the bleeding cut of where the piece of table hit my face. My face stings, but I don't make a sound.
"Father, enough. Let the poison take his mind before you slap him around," Rachel says. She's shaking a bit, but she smooths her face to indifference as soon as she says this.
I still don't know where I am.
Quendon glares at me, then pulls out my phone and turns it on. There are at least fifteen missed calls from Baz and Penelope each. "Maybe this will jog your memory," Quendon sneers, and throws the phone at my face. I can't catch it since my hands are stuck to the wall. It clatters to the floor, and I try to move off of the wall to get it. Quendon gets there before I do, and he snatches it away. I look back at him, stony faced. Inside, though, I'm screaming. That was my chance to connect to them. I can't let him know that though. He sneers at me and leaves. The lock clicks as the door shuts. Once I'm sure they're both gone, I scream. I scream in anger, in sadness, in frustration. I scream until I can't anymore. Then, since I have nothing else to do, I go to sleep.
When I wake, the room is dark. I strain to check my watch. It's about 3:30 am. I sigh. My wing cramped up yesterday, and I can't move it because of the sticking charm. I still feel tired from the injection (and kind of like telling Quendon everything), but it feels like something is fighting the poison or whatever was injected into me. I'm exhausted, even though I have been mostly asleep. It's been three days since I got into this place, and I haven't really eaten anything.
Baz, where are you?

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