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Simon seriously has to give a shit about waking me up. It's getting ridiculous. This time, though, he wakes me up by actually trying to wake me up.
Snow shakes my shoulder. "Baz, I-I found her."
I open my eyes, and his face is paler than I've ever seen, his blue eyes the size of the moon. He looks like he's seen a ghost. Which, I remind myself, he has.
"Show me," I grumble, sitting up.
He walks out of the room and leaves the door open. I walk over to the table and lean over the tree, putting my elbow down next to the outstretched page. Simon points to her name. It's faded, which means she died. She died twenty one years ago, in July.
"She has a still living brother," I note. "And a sister with kids."
Simon moves his hand to above Lucy Salisbury, where her children would be. Where his name is written.
I look up at him. His face is so pale, he looks like a ghost himself. Simon's blue eyes are wide and filling with tears. I wrap my arms around him. Simon's whole body shakes. I know how he feels. Knowing the partial truth about what happened to him isn't going to be enough, though. He is going to want to know everything. I did. I do now, too. I hold him closer, and he cries harder. As I'm holding him, I smell that familiar smell of green fire and brimstone that always came with Simon's magic. It fades after a second, and I'm not sure if I imagined it.
"Simon, you'll be alright. Okay? I'm here," I whisper into his hair. His tears subside and his breathing calms a bit.
Simon wraps his arms around my neck and rests his head on my chest. I let my head fall forward a bit, so it's leaning on his.
It's a few minutes before Simon says anything. "Baz," he whispers. "There's no father. I still don't know who-" Simon stops, emotion flooding into his voice.
I close my eyes. "We don't have to think about this yet. For now, let's just relax together, okay?"
He nods and closes his eyes. "I'm so tired."
I roll my eyes. "So am I, Snow."
He sighs. "Not now, please."
I raise an eyebrow. "Then when am I going to be able to?"
"Just not now."
"How about this now?" I ask, and I kiss him. He responds by kissing me harder and wrapping his arms around my neck.
I love you, Simon.
We lay on the floor side by side. Simon grabs my hand, and I feel something behind it. A pull. I put my head on his shoulder and smell that fire and brimstone again. The smell of Snow's magic.
"Simon," I breathe, surprised.
He looks up at my shocked and excited, and his eyes widen even farther. "N-no w-way," he stammers.
I smile. "Simon, I think that you might-"
He gasps suddenly as if he's in pain.
"Simon!" I yell. Not again, I think.
His eyes roll back into his head and he goes limp in my arms. I can feel the magic thrumming through him. I do the only thing I think logical at the time. I pick him up and run down the stairs. Then I drive to Bunce's flat.

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