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Simon and Baz are still here. It's been three months of open houses, trying to get enough money for the flats they want, and online searches for nearby places. Micah and I just put sleeping bags in the lab and hid the dangerous stuff so they had their own room. It got annoying seeing the two of them on the couch every morning. I'd had enough of Simon sleepwalking or waking up at random points to knock things over when he moved out, and it hasn't gotten any better.
This morning, Baz is walking around without a shirt on. (Which is annoying, but he used to do it anyway.)
Simon's standing in the kitchen with a cup of tea in his hand when Baz walks in. Simon smirks. "Nice top."
Baz smiles and walks by him to get cereal, whispering something in his ear as he passes. Simon's face flushes and he smiles bashfully.
I do not want to know what that was, although I have a good guess.
"You two are gross, you know?" I say, pouring brown sugar into my oatmeal.
Both of them laugh, mainly because I've said it so many times.
Baz's phone buzzes and he takes it out. "Hey, there's an open house today!"
"What time?" Micah asks, walking into the room. He's working at a nearby lab while ours is taken over. He's wearing a button down and looks overall very professional. I kiss him on the cheek as he goes by. Simon makes a face at me, and I laugh. Maybe I am a bit of a hypocrite.
"Three in the afternoon," Baz says looking up from his phone.
"Awesome," Simon says, sitting down next to Baz, who's sitting at our table and leaning back in his chair like he owns the world.
"Penny and I will meet you there then," Micah says, grabbing his bag on his way out.
I kiss him quickly. "Have a good day."
He smiles, then dashes through the door.
"Who's the gross one now?" Baz says sarcastically from the table.
I feel my face flush, and he laughs. "That is so not fair," I say indignantly, sitting down across from Simon.
"So house tours today?" Simon asks, grinning.
"Yeah, but we have to check in on Jason and Alexa first," Baz says. "We did promise them."
Simon pouts. "I know, but-"
"You're not getting out of this one today," Baz responds firmly.
"Fine," Simon sighs.
"Can I come with? I don't have anything to do this morning," I ask, looking back and forth between the two guys.
Simon shrugs and says, "Sure, why not?"
"This place looks amazing," I gasp, stunned at how they transformed the old library. Alexa and Jason removed the glamours, and now it's just a Normal library. There is an abNormal back section, but you have to ask for that.
There are some people wandering around, pulling books off of shelves and sitting on beanbags, noses buried in books. The walls are filled with stacks and stacks of books, and there are ladders to reach the top shelves.
"It was difficult, not going to lie, but I'm glad you like it," Alexa says, flipping her long auburn hair over her shoulder. I wonder why she never just ties it up.
Jason walks over to us. "Hey, Simon, Baz, Penny. How are you guys?"
"I'm pretty good," I say.
"Same here," says Baz.
Simon just shrugs, which prompts both Baz and me to roll our eyes. Alexa and Jason both laugh.
"Pen, how are preparations going?" Alexa squeals. She's one of those girls who loves weddings. I've been sharing most details with her and Agatha, and I'm pretty sure that the two of them would either kill each other or be best friends.
As I launch into dress details (away from the boys because they'd all tell Micah), I smile thinking of how great the next part of my life is going to be. 

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