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I wake up in the dark, and at first I think that I'm dead. Or the Humdrum is back. As my head clears, I realize I'm still stuck to Quendon's wall. And there's still no sign of Baz or Penelope or even Micah. Rachel comes in, distracting me. She looks like she herself has been stuck to a wall for five days. Rachel walks over to me, muttering incoherently. She gets up in my face. "He will kill me if he finds out. He will kill me. He thinks I am insane. But I need to tell you." Rachel grabs my shirt. "The charm to undo the sticking spell is 'If you love me, let me go!' It only works if you cast it. Then someone who loves you can pull you down. And Father is going to burn him before he gets here." She lets go of my shirt and backs away. Her eyes glint maniacally. "Tell Jason. Tell Jason I am okay. Tell him I have to play the role or else I am dead."
I nod, taking in the information she just gave me. I hear Quendon yelling at her from upstairs. Rachel winces and scampers out of the room.
I'm alone again. I need to get this message to Baz. But I'm terrified. I can't cast anything. I don't have a wand, or full magic. I want to think about what to do but I'm too tired to think.
When I wake back up, Rachel is back. She's scrawling out a note when she notices I'm awake. I attempt to wave, but I can't, because my arms are stuck. Instead, I say hello.
Rachel comes over, more sane than I've ever seen her. "I'm sending them a note. My father has been sending your people notes magically. I'm sending them one last one. I hope Jason sees it. I need him to be okay. This wasn't his fault, and I'm sorry. He needs to know. I'm so sorry." She looks up with watery eyes. "Ranting again, aren't I? I'll leave you alone."
I clear my throat. I haven't actually said anything since Quendon last came in. My voice is a bit hoarse. "Am I bait for Baz?" She nods, so I continue. "Are you helping us?"
She widens her eyes and nods, but she says, "N-no! Why would you say that? I h-hate you people for what you've d-done to my family." Rachel mouths the words "my father'" and I close my eyes in recognition. Quendon keeps such tight tabs on everything, I wouldn't be surprised if he heard the whole conversation. Which would be bad. But I don't care.  She slips something into my coat pocket and runs out of the room.
Quendon comes in. "Now, time to deal with you. How did you create these fabulous wings?" he asks, pulling at my wing.
I roll my eyes, but I don't answer.
"You're not going to answer?" he says, glaring at me. I hold his gaze. There is no way I am going to be one of his specimens. Especially since I'm being used as bait. For Baz.
Quendon punches the side of my head, and I can feel the cut from the table shard reopen and the blood drip down my face.
I tell him nothing
Quendon leaves, mumbling something about swine and filth.
There isn't anything else I can do, so I close my eyes and try to sleep.
I wake up an hour later, with a burning feeling in the back of my throat. I can feel magic tingling at my fingers. I don't have a wand, so I can't cast, but I can try to cast a simple "Up, up, and away!" on the splintered pieces of table in front of me. Nothing happens, but my voice has magic in it. Then I remember that Rachel put something in my pocket. I can't even see what it is. Maybe it's something to help me.
Just as I'm thinking this, Rachel slides into the room. "I am sorry, I had to put it in your pocket so you couldn't touch it. It is for you." She pulls my jacket back and pulls out something I thought I would never see again. My wand.
"H-how?" I stammer in shock.
"When my father blew up you apartment, he asked me to spell the bomb. He does not have as much magic as he used to. Anyway, I spelled it so that your wand would be blown out the window and into my hands. I was in the alleyway by your fire escape after you both left."
"I didn't leave. I was taken. By your father," I say indignantly. I wouldn't have willingly left Baz so easily.
Rachel continues on as if I never said anything. "It should still work for you. I found some research papers that my father wrote. The poison he injected into your arm is to force you to tell the truth. He put in as a side note that magic counteracts it. You would be constantly babbling or confused if the poison worked. The side effects are more minor when a person has magic. Father does not know how bad his experiments can go. I do, from first hand experience." She motions to her head, then continues her hushed explanation. "Because your magic is still coming back, you do not have either side effect. You are going to be tired a lot in the next few weeks. But no harm done otherwise." Rachel gives a tight-lipped smile.
I'm silent for a bit, trying to make sense of everything. "How am I supposed to cast on myself if I can't move?" I ask finally.
Rachel puts my wand back in my hand. I close my fingers around it.
"Try and cast the spell," she quietly encourages.
"If you love me, let me go!" I say, trying to point my wand at my leg.
Nothing happens at first, but then I feel a wave of static climb up my leg and roll through my body. 
Rachel looks at me expectantly. She's shorter than I am. "Did it work?" she asks.
"I- I think so," I respond, wide-eyed.
She smiles, and I can see why Jason thought she was beautiful. She really is. Her green eyes shine like she's proud of herself, and she finally looks like she has a reason to help me.
Rachel tilts her head like she's listening, and the smile fades from her face. "I have to go. Stay safe. Play dumb if he comes."
"I will, Rachel," I say softly.
She sneaks out of the room and up the stairs, her short blonde hair bouncing as she goes.
I want to think more on what I've just learned, but Rachel's right. I'm tired.

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