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When I wake up in the morning, I almost forget about everything that's happened. Almost.
Then I realize that I'm on Penelope's couch. I sit up slowly, run a hand through my hair and rub my eyes. Baz is curled up in the chair next to me, looking so peaceful with a blanket around his body like he's a burrito.
Seeing him reminds me of everything that happened last night. I flop back down and shove a pillow over my face. I wish I could fall back asleep, but images of the fight keep scrolling across my mind.
Damian was a traitor. And now he's dead. I remember Priya's words. And what she has to deal with now. I know how she feels. The feeling of someone's blood on your hands is not a feeling that leaves very quickly.
I hear shuffling, then someone sits on my legs.
"Hi, Baz," I mumble from under the pillow.
He pulls it off my face and lays down on top of me. "Hello, Snow."
I smile and close my eyes. Baz rests his face on my cheek. Then he grabs the blanket that he had wrapped around him and throws it over both of us. We lay there for a minute, in a little cocoon, and I almost fall back asleep. Almost.
Then Penny walks in.
"Crowley, you two. Can you guys be any more obvious that you love each other?" she asks, somewhat annoyed, somewhat joking.
Baz waves a hand at her. "Shh," he says, "I'm enjoying this."
I smile from under him.
I can practically hear Penelope rolling her eyes. "Seriously, get up. It's one in the afternoon and you people are still sleeping."
Neither of us move an inch.
Penny walks over to us and rips the blanket off. "Now will you get up?"
"No," I mumble.
"Simon," she says, exasperated.
Baz smiles.
Penny stomps away from us. Probably to get Micah to officially kick us off their couch. (Penny once forced Baz to leave. It was a mess, honestly, and I think Baz threw something at her.)
Baz turns his head so that his nose is pressed into my neck. "Simon, I don't get a chance to say this last night, but- I love you."
I put my hand under his chin and lift his head so he's looking directly at me. "I love you too, Baz."
He smiles a bit and kisses me softly. I put my hands around his neck and lean deeper into him.
"I literally just asked you to to not. This is my flat. My rules," Penny complains from above us.
Baz pulls his face off of mine and looks up at her. "In case you haven't noticed, Bunce, we don't have a flat. So for now we're staying here."
Penny rolls her eyes. "Fine, fine, you guys can stay. Just no excessive PDA please."
I smile up at her and Baz puts his head back down on my chest.
"What are we going to do, though? We don't have anywhere to stay," I say.
Penny puts her chin in her hand. A newly turquoise curl falls over her left eye. (She decided to change it last night.) (Even after all that she still manages to magic her hair.)
"I would say you could stay here, but I converted that room a while ago and you guys took the bed anyway. And besides," she says, "you guys would probably drive me nuts."
"Don't we already?" I ask jokingly.
She laughs. Baz says nothing, and I peek down at him to make sure he's okay.
He's asleep.
"Penny, I'm stuck," I whisper, a ghost of a smile playing on my lips.
She quirks an eyebrow. "How so?"
"Baz is asleep."
"So push him off of you."
"Crowley, I will not."
"One, have you ever woken Baz up? I don't recommend it. Two, why should I move him? He looks so comfortable."
"You were the one who was complaining about being stuck, Simon." Penny rolls her eyes and stands up, stretching her arms above her head. The threads in her shirt stretch tautly as she swings her arms back, clasps her hands together behind her, stretches her shoulders, and walks into the kitchen. A second later, I hear the kitchen sink running and Penelope rummaging around in the fridge for food.
I lean my head back on the pillow and close my eyes. Then I realize it. The hum of magic that used to hand in the air like a golden net is still there. I smile and wrap my arm around Baz's shoulder.
"What are you so happy ab-" he says, stopping mid-word. "Simon," he breathes. "Your magic."
I smile wider as he lifts his head off my chest to look me in the eye. "Wait, do I smell like smoke again?" I ask nervously. I don't want to walk around smelling like a bonfire. Especially when Baz is extremely flammable.
He puts his head back on my chest and puts his arms around my neck. "To me, maybe, but normal people? Not so much."
I close my eyes for a bit, enjoying the fact that my problems are somewhat strangely resolved. Then, two things come to me that I must be extremely dense to have not noticed before.
"Baz?" I say quietly.
"What if it's like last time?"
"What do you mean by-" He seems to get it mid-sentence. "Well, we'll deal with it if it does."
"Shh, I want to sleep."
"I-I'm scared."
"You don't have to be. You have us, don't you?"
I smile slightly. "Alright, but what about my wings?"
"What about them?"
"Well, can I get rid of them?"
"We can ask Bunce later. Now shush so I can sleep."
"I think you're stuck with them, Simon," Micah says. He, Penny, and Baz, and I have been trying a variety of spells on my dragon parts for the past two hours.
Baz shrugs, looking down at his phone. "We tried."
I frown at him. He's leaning on the counter in front of me.
He looks up from the phone, grey eyes staring directly at me. "What?"
I rest my hands on the counter and look down at my slightly dirty nails. "I kind of wanted to get rid of them. They just get in the way."
Baz rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but you're used to having to deal with them, right?"
"Yeah, I guess but falling asleep on them is the worst. You know when your foot cramps? It's that times a thousand."
Now Penelope is the one to roll her eyes. "We tried. We can try to find something but I doubt that we will."
Micah is the only one with relevant advice. "Let's just get food and move on, yeah?"

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