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Professor Bunce walks in with a man who I recognize as the doctor she called last night. He's a short, middle aged man, with a mousey brown mustache and thinning hair. He sets me on edge.
"Hello. I'm Doctor Quendon," he says, briskly walking over to Simon. "Awake, I see." The name brings back a sharp memory from when I was much younger. I know this doctor, and I remember I didn't like him. I can't remember why, though.
Simon nods. "Yeah, but can someone explain to me what happened after I collapsed?"
Penny fills Simon in on the rest of the story as Dr. Quendon checks the monitor and writes down a few notes. I sit quietly down in the armchair next to the bed that Penelope fell asleep in.
Simon looks confused. "So basically I just passed out for no reason."
"Pretty much," Bunce responds.
"But when you fell, you started smoking and you burned up. The room even smelled like fire," I add.
Penelope nods and shivers as if she's ridding the image from her mind. I know I would like to.
"So that's the strange part and the reason I'm in a hospital bed in the headmistress's office at Watford," Simon responds with unexpected snark. I smile inwardly. I live for you, Snow.
"Anyway, the reason I'm here is because the hospital for people like you is somewhat secret. Not many people know its location," Dr. Quendon tells Simon. "We're transferring you there."
Something clicks in my memory. I remember why I hated this guy now.
Simon says exactly what I'm thinking. "But I'm fine now! Why exactly are you putting me in a hospital?"
Mrs. Bunce looks confused too. "This was not our agreement, Doctor. You said-"
"That I would take care of the boy," the doctor interrupts, "and this is what I think best."
"There is no way I am letting you take him anywhere without full disclosure of what you are going to do," I butt in menacingly.
Simon looks grateful for my outburst and mouths a quick thank you to me.
"I need to run a few, ah, tests, if you will," Doctor Quendon responds. Now he no longer looks like a nice and helpful fellow. He looks like someone who would tear Simon apart for the sake of science. Penelope must realize this because she looks disturbed. (Maybe she's disturbed by my anger.) "Doctor, what are you planning to do?"
He looks at Simon's outstretched wings and limp tail almost hungrily. "I am going to move him to my facilities and then run a few tests, I told you."
I stand up and slam my hands on the table. "I am not letting you test him, or whatever you actually have planned, Doctor."
"Baz, calm down," Penelope whispers in my ear.
I take a few breaths. "I just don't trust him," I mutter back.
"Basilton! My, my. How you have grown! I didn't even recognize you. It's too bad your parents wouldn't let me take you to my facilities," Quendon responds silkily.
Mrs. Bunce looks confused and angry. "Doctor, you're dismissed. Don't come back here. Ever." She takes him by the arms and throws him out the door, then shuts and locks it.
"What the hell was that about?" she practically screams.
"The so-called 'Doctor' Quendon takes wizards who have been in accidents and runs tests on them. Then he uses that data and destroys them for their abnormalities," I respond, seething with rage.
Simon makes an indignant noise in the back of his throat. "That's disgusting. How do you-" He stops himself, finally putting the pieces together. "Crowley, Baz," he breathes. "Thanks."
Mrs. Bunce still looks confused. "What is going on here?" she demands.
Penny responds nervously and quickly, "Mum, it's a long story. A very long and forgotten story that we shouldn't get into."
"I have a right to know," Penny's mum retorts.
"Mum, I really don't think-" Penny begins but I cut her off.
"I would rather we didn't do this," I say icily. "I'm going home."
Simon stands up. "Well, since we're done here, I'm coming too."
I unlock the door and march out. Simon runs after me.
"Baz, wait! You know I can't-" he pants, catching up to me and pulling on my arm to stop me.
"I. Hate. That. Guy. Of course my father thought a distant cousin could be trusted. He tried to reverse the vampire blood in me six years after I was bitten. He then beat me to a pulp with drugs and-" I stop to catch my breath, slowing down enough for Simon to walk beside me.
"I know, Baz, I get it. Just- calm down a bit for me, please? I can't stand to see you like this," he says softly, catching my hand as we walk.
I stop. "You're right. I need to just be with you for now."
He smiles almost mischievously. "Where were we before the creepy-ass doctor guy?"
I think back to this morning, trying to figure it out when Simon kisses me.
That's where we were, I think happily.

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