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My phone rings like crazy. It's Baz, which surprises me. Baz only emergencies. I grab my phone quickly, dread settling at the bottom of my stomach.
Baz is crying. "Penelope, I don't know what just happened but I need you here right now. I can't call 999 because of his wings and I've tried every healing spell and-" His voice breaks.
Panic settles in. "I'm on my way."
I grab my keys and charge out the door, leaving a very confused Micah on our couch where he was typing a lab report of his recent experiment.
I drive as fast as possible, as many spells casted as I dare to risk. I charge up to their flat and unlock their door with my spare key (for emergencies). I find Baz on the floor with Simon in his lap. Baz has his wand out and is furiously casting "Get well soon!" on Simon. Nothing seems to happen. I try to cast a "Nonsense!" on him, but it doesn't do anything. I cast as many healing spells in Hindi as I know, but nothing happens. I place a hand to Simons forehead and immediately jerk if away. His forehead is burning hot. Baz looks at me, tear tracks still glistening on his cheeks. "I-is there someone who can heal him?"
I nod. "My mum."
"All the way to Watford?" Baz asks, surprised.
I nod grimly and he sighs. "Get in the car."
We end up at Watford about half an hour later, and head straight up to my mum's office. She redecorated it after the Mage died, so the room is more pleasant. I go to where I know my mum will be at eight o'clock at night, reading in an armchair. We rush in, Baz carrying Simon in his arms. Simon's head lolls. My mum stands up as soon as she sees Simon and starts casting Hindi spells.
"I tried that, Mum," I whisper. She hears me and stops after she finished a spell.
"Did you try-" she starts, but I cut her off.
"We tried everything except a full nursery rhyme, but we couldn't find one that would work."
She looks frazzled and scared. "There is one more spell I can try but you both must first go into the other room. This is a dangerous spell to hear, and if you do, anyone but the caster can be put into an endless sleep."
Baz clutches Simon tighter. "You can't be considering casting a lullaby! What if I goes wrong? The magic in him is no longer there. It can't protect him." He sounds so broken, I have to resist the urge to give him a hug.
Mum looks fierce. "It's a tricky spell, but time is of the essence. Out."
We trudge outside her office and wait in the hall. Baz slides down the wall and sits on the ground, breaking into fresh tears. I've never seen him like this. Ever. Baz usually comes stronger in scary times. I put myself in his shoes, thinking about what I would do if this happened to Micah. I probably would have done the same thing. Gone to my mum and alerted Simon and Baz. Then cried. Just thinking about Micah makes me feel guilty. I didn't explain to him what's happening. I send him a quick text to tell him we went to Watford to fix Simon up but not to worry and my mum says hi. I press send and immediately feel better. Then I look back at Baz, who is still silently sobbing. I sit down next to him and tell him, "He's going to be alright. My mum knows what she's doing."
Baz turns to me, tears in his eyes. "What if it doesn't work? I can't-" His voice dissolves into a heartbroken silence.
I put my arm around his shoulder. "You can. I know he'll be okay, so you don't have to."
My mum comes out of the room. She looks down at Baz's hopeful face and my resolute one.
"He's asleep," she says wearily. "I checked his vitals, and they're back to normal, but I have out magicked myself for one night. I called an official doctor as well. You can stay here, and Penny, call Micah. He must be worried."
I had told my parents over dinner that we were getting married and they were ecstatic. My mum treats Micah like another son.
Baz stands up and charges into the room. I follow him and gasp. My mum conjured up all hospital equipment needed. Simon has an IV in his arm and is tucked into the bed. Baz sighs when he sees the heart monitor is steady. He then gets onto the edge of the bed and curls up like a cat, wrapping his arms around Simon's left leg. I smile for the first time in a few hours and crash on the couch. What a weird day, I think as I text Micah to come up here and stay.

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