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An urgent knock at the door wakes me up. I must have fallen asleep while working. I shove my glasses crookedly on my nose then trudge to the door and answer it. I expected family or friends coming to say hi. Or even someone at the wrong door. Not one friend carrying the lifeless body of another friend. Baz runs in and puts Simon on the oversized chair that Simon once brought up to my flat. I rush over to help them when I feel it. Simon's magic is in the air.
Not as strong as before, but strong nonetheless.
I stop suddenly and look over at Baz, my eyes wide. "What the fuck?"
With his grey eyes wilder than I've ever seen and his hair a mess, he looks as scared as I feel. "It's happening again. I know the spell to fix it, but-" he takes a shaky breath, "I'm scared. If I mess this up, will you take over for me?"
"Baz, what are you planning on doing?" I ask.
"A lullaby."
"I thought you said-"
"That they were dangerous? Yes. But it's the only spell I've found."
I fix my glasses. "I'm going in the other room so I don't fall asleep. Be careful, yeah?"
He nods stiffly.
I walk into my room while he casts.
Micah's sitting up in our bed. "What's going on?"
I sigh. "Simon is messed up again, but this time his magic is coming back or something. Anyway, Baz is trying to cast a nursery rhyme, and he's here in case he messes up because he wants me to finish it for him if he does screw up."
Micah nods and lays back down. "They can stay here tonight if Baz is too magic-thin to go home. I'm also assuming that if this works, Simon will be asleep."
I kiss his forehead. "Hopefully it will work."
Baz knocks on the door and I poke my head out.
"I...did it," he smiles weakly.
I guide him over to the couch before he collapses. "Just sleep here, alright? Good job."
Simon's already on half of the couch, and Baz just rests his head on Simon's back and falls asleep immediately.
I smile at the two of them being ridiculously in love even whilst not fully conscious of their actions.
Then, I crawl into my bed and Micah wraps his arms around me.
Guess I understand them, though.
When I wake up, sunlight is already streaming through the windows. I turn to say good morning to Micah, but he's not there. I check my watch and yelp. It's 10:32, which means I overslept for two hours. At least I didn't have a speech to give today. On occasion, I give speeches about magickal science to a group. We meet every Wednesday. Good thing it's Sunday. I'm about to go back to sleep when I remember last night. I throw on a sweater and trousers and walk out of my room. Baz is still asleep, but Simon snaps open his eyes when I walk in.
He looks confused. "What- where am I?"
I walk over to Simon and tell him everything that happened last night. He just looks more upset with every detail. When I finish, he gets up, resting Baz's head on a pillow, and starts pacing. Simon's still wearing his clothes from the other day, and his hair is a mess. "I can't let this continue like this! How do I deal? What if- what if this happens while I'm at school? Like, 'how do I answer this question, oh, too late, I'm going to explode in pain now'? What am I going to do?"
Baz shifts on the couch and mumbles, "Stop waking me up, Snow. This is the third time this week."
Simon whips his head down to the couch and sees Baz lying there. His face lights up like he just got the biggest relief of his life. Which, in a way, it is. Simon sits on the couch by Baz's legs and leans his head on Baz's back. They look so peaceful for once that I don't want to interrupt them. But I have to. "Guys, while I appreciate that you're comfortable, we have some figuring out to do. Simon's right. What are you going to do?"
They're both silent for a moment, but Baz then sighs as if it's obvious. "Simon, just tell them your terminally ill and come work with me at the library."
Simon wraps his arms around Baz's torso. This isn't awkward to watch at all, I think sarcastically.
"Baz, I can't. I don't have any magic. At all. Literally all I would be able to do is-" He stops suddenly and opens his eyes. "What if I flew places to find books to bring back? I need to stretch my wings anyway."
Baz finally opens his eyes. "That would work," he says. Then he sees me sitting there awkwardly. "Bunce, thank you. We're going to stop overstaying our welcome and go home. Come on, Snow." Baz pushes Simon off of him and he both stand up. Simon stretches, thanks me, and walks out. Baz follows suit. I go into my kitchen and make myself some breakfast. I find a sticky note with a message from Micah. I read it and smile. It's going to be a good day today.

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