Chapter 14

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“Is that Jason’s ability too?” I asked in awe as I took the fighting stick he extended towards me.

“Almost, we can both create the weapons but I’m the expert in handling anything I create, no matter what it is, although I must say what he can do is considered much more dangerous than what I do.” How in the hell can something be considered more dangerous than being able to create and use any given weapon your mind can think up. But I didn’t have to wait long for the answer because Joshua kept on speaking. “After all when you can give the weapons you create a will of their own there isn’t an empire in this world you can’t diminish.” Joshua finished wistfully.


Joshua still couldn’t wrap his head around it.  At first when he had noticed the two new girls he had only seen the new meat and had been in de dilemma of choosing between the sweet looking long legged blond or the fiery looking brunette with the slim pear shaped body. All of that ended when he saw how they fought and witnessed the brunette beat his twin brother bare handed, that took guts and a hell of allot of skill, something with which she had earned his respect. Even the little blond who had too sustained a fight with his brother, although with less successful results, still she faired pretty well considering her opponent. He couldn’t wait to know what their abilities were given the fact that they had immediately been placed in the dangerous abilities and had even been ranked in Special Star zone, both things that not many kids had the privilege to bear.  

“There good, they might be the best female fighters in this damn class, even Zoey. She may try to hide it, but she knows what she’s doing. Whoever trained them must have been a force to be reckoned with.” Jason commented quietly as they waited for the girls to finish up at the locker rooms so they could escort them to their abilities class, a class they shared with the twins.

Before Joshua could reply both girls exited the locker rooms giving them both a first glance at what they looked with their normal uniforms. Since they had had to take a quick shower due to the exercise they both had their damp hair pulled in to high ponytails. Zoey had on the school regulated skirt, the polo shirt and a black scarf around her neck, on her feet she whore black knee socks. Lucienne had a similar look but instead of having on flats or heels, the type of shoes girls normally used, she had a pair of what Jason thought looked like demon stomping boots, calf length black lace-up boots giving her a tougher look than her companion.

“Stop staring and let’s go, were going to be late.” Lucienne huffed exasperated as she blew air at the side bangs covering her forehead.

“Jeshh what has your panties in a bunch?” Joshua teased as he caught up to fiery brunette leaving his twin behind with Zoey who was walking at a much slower pace than her friend.

“She’s pissed off because I didn’t let her beat up some girls who were looking at her wrong.” Zoey replied helpfully before almost tripping in her haste to catch up. Jason immediately caught her neatly by the waist giving her a reassuring smile.

“It’s all the twins fault.” Lucienne exclaimed throwing her hands in the air, not ever missing a step in her walk.

“What did I do?” Joshua questioned with a smirk obviously having an idea as to what her problem was.

“If it weren’t the fact that you’re hot and that you’re obviously one of the biggest player in this damn school I wouldn’t have all of your ex’s on my ass throwing me dirty looks when I’m trying to brush my hair!.” Lucienne said finally stopping only to jab an accusatory finger in to Joshua’s side, people were giving them weird looks as they all rushed to their next class. Zoey and Jason merely decided to keep on going not wanting to be there when Lucienne exploded.

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