Chapter 20

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Zanessa's POV

I realized I really need some rest. I didn't go home since Harry has been rushed to the hospital and it's been fours days already. I remembered I've got other stuffs to do.

I ran to my bedroom upstairs and decided to take a shower. I took off everything I was wearing and stepped in to the shower. The fresh, cold water streamed down on me, making my stressed and tired body feel alive once again. I stepped out the shower after I did my thing. For the very first time again, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked pale, emphasizing these big black bags under my eyes while my eyes looked tired and it's not sparkling anymore like it used to be since I haven't been sleeping for almost two days. Then I wrapped a towel on my wet hair. I tooked off my bathrub, so I was wearing nothing but my underwears. I spun around, checking out my body. There were few bruises and my side waist has a worse one. I gently placed my fingers onto that bruise and it hurts. I groaned in pain then all of a sudden, the accident popped in my mind. I couldn't control the tears flowing out of my eyes so I kept on wipping them off. I shook my head, snapping my thoughts out of it and slid my bathrub on again. I walked to my dresser and changed into my casual clothes.

I then jumped onto my bed and decided to sleep. But before the sleepiness took over me, my mum called behind my door so I let her in.

"Hey." She smiled as she sat on the edge of my bed. "How are you feeling now, eh?"

"Tired, broken, hopeless, and list goes on and on ..." I murmured, turning my back at her.

"Shhh ..." She cooed, rubbing my back back and forth. "I know you love Harry, baby. But no matter how much you love him, you'll never be sure how things will end up. That's part of the risk of falling in love."

I tried to understand what she said and as soon as I did, I faced mom. "And so I wished I did not fall in love with him so that this wouldn't happen to him. He don't deserve all of this, mom."

She smiled, shaking her head. "Aww, young love. But the future's not ours to see, my love ... Okay, go sleep now now. You're going to Campbridge tomorrow."


"Remember you're called for an interview in two days." She pat my thigh and exited my room. Geez, I already forgot about it.


I visited Harry in the hospital before I catch my flight to the U.S. later.

"Bye, babe. Make sure you'll get well when I come back, alright?" I whispered onto Harry's ear then gave him a peck on the lips. I didn't care if those lips were pale, or even those lips didn't kissed me back but how I wished they did. I just missed those lips. I also said my goodbye to the Styles family and to mine as well.


It was my last stay here in my apartment and I was goning to complete my one week stay here in the US. So to kill the rest of my time, I spent it bonding with my bestfriend, Abegail. She's also here for an interview. Unfortunately, our other friend Maureen wasn't here yet since her interview was set for next week.

"I'm gonna miss you again." Abegail told me.

"Me too."

"I noticed something about you, you know that?" She crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eye at me.


"You look miserable. Do you have a problem?" Yeah, if you only know. And with that, I remembered my boyfriend. Harry's condition's still the same. He's still in coma but there's a good news that though he'll lost half of his memory, it will eventually go back to normal with the help of a treatment.

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