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"Oh look at the time! My parents are almost home! Well off you go-"

"Not until you answer me properly, Nara"

"You better go befor-"

"Nope" Taehyung said. Determined. "Tell me"

"Hell no! I-It wasn't you! You saw it wrong-"

"Are you serious? I can't even recognize myself? Great lie "

"Shut the fck up and give me back my ph-"

Taehyung pushed Nara to the floor and hovered over her. Their eyes locked to another and the sudden silent filled the room.

"Did you just say the F word against me?" His tone reduced lower than it normally was made Nara's heart beats faster than it normally was. "I give you one last chance to explain it to me"

"G-get off me!" Nara's weak struggles are nowhere near against his strength. In fact his grip on her wrists are getting tighter.

"To be honest, I've never seen this photo on the net before" he said while his eyes searching for hers. Then he chuckled. "Did you took it yourself?"

The blush crept almost to all parts of Nara's glowing cheeks that she just remained silent. Refused to accept nor reject the accusation. But she was getting more and more uncomfortable.

"Y-you're hurting me" her eyes tightly shuts and a single tear fell from her eyes. Making Taehyung released her on instant. His eyes showed guilt.

Taehyung slowly gets off her with his eyes still fixed on Nara's face as she quietly sniffled and wiped the tear off her cheek. "I hate you" she muttered.

On a swift motion, Taehyung cupped Nara's cheeks and pulled her for a long, sweet kiss. Nara refused to death at first but the way their lips fits to each other made her slowly calmed and returns the favor.

It was only a minute but feels like a year. Taehyung unlatched his lips from Nara's with unreadable emotions appeared on his face.

"W-what was that for?" Nara mumbled as she blushed. She pushed herself as far as possible from Taehyung, which earned her a soft, warm smile from him. His eyebrows crinkled a little.

"Umm..that's for taking my photo" Taehyung said before continues "with a veryyyy goood angle" and he rolled on the floor laughing.

"Fck off you dckhead!" Nara exploded and threw a pillow from the couch towards Taehyung. Which obviously he would caught. Nara curled her toes and hide her face into the turtleneck shirt she's wearing at the moment.

Slowly, she lifted her head up a bit to look at Taehyung and squealed when she saw him already sat real close in front of her.

"You're fcking cute it's killing me" he breathed in between his remaining laughs while shaking his head before his tone become more serious.

"Would you go out with me?"


I am very sorry for the late update~ I was in the middle of tests and omg. So sorry~ I only checked for comments and read some stories if I got time so.. ;( by the way, thank you for reading! ;3

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