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The next Monday, Taehyung is absent because the boys and him had to go to a fansign event. Taehyung phoned Nara the night before to inform her about this in advance. He said though the exams are important, he had to at least make another one or two more public appearances before he goes for a temporary hiatus.

Nara missed Taehyung as if their last encounter was like a year ago, but luckily she had enough books and studies to fill up her pastime. But of course, not enough to fill up the empty space in her heart. She lets out tiny giggles while reading as yesterday's moments came playing inside her head. She startles when Haru interrupts her little bubble of happiness.

"Excuse me, what happened today, young lady?", she speaks poisely.

"What- no, nothing", Nara hides her face behind the book.

"Yeah right", Haru snatches the book from Nara which made her groaned defensively. "Now, tell me".

"I told you it was nothing, give me back my book", Nara whines trying to get back the book but she have not realized how happy she feels today after what happened yesterday. In fact, she's not angry at all when Haru takes her book, she's even smiling like an idiot.

"Not until you tell me what makes you smile from ear to ear while reading that book which typically makes you a sobbing mess everytime you read it when last Friday you've been a total wreck", Haru quirks an eyebrow to her.

"Ha ha. Very funny, now give it back".

"Tell me or we'll never be friends anymore", Haru narrows her eyes.

"Ew you stink".

"Tell me".

"You won't believe it".

"Try me".

Nara leans closer to Haru after a heavy sigh escaped from her lips. She puts up a hand to cover the side of her mouth, attempting to whisper the truth to Haru. Haru leans closer to hear the news clearly.

"We can't talk about this in public, not here", Nara whispers. Haru immediately swings the book and hit Nara's head with it.

"I thought you were going to tell me, idiot", Haru hisses before she returns the book to Nara. Nara just laughs at Haru while she winces at the pain at the same time.

"I will tell you sooner or later, Haru-yah, I promise". And as soon as Haru turns back to her seat and pays no attention to Nara, "I-am-in-a-relationship-with-Taehyung", Nara admits as fast as the lightning, as low as the deep ocean.

She shut her eyes while saying so, praying hard that Haru will not hear everything she said clearly. Nara pries her eyes back open and she jumps off her chair when she saw Haru is halfway across Nara's table with her eyes wide and jaw drops.

"Mworagu (what)?!"


Nara's :

I just came back from being summoned at the discipline office and apparently the teachers there are not happy with what I did yesterday. I mean, how could they even recognised who am I when I don't even introduce myself to the guard or whoever yesterday. But then I remembered, among all those students that I have run through, any of them could be one of my classmates. That's my only theory but then I realized again, I am so stupid to run away just like that only because of Tae- jealousy.

I admit I was jealous. Hands down.

Then everything comes back while I'm on my way to the girls' restroom. I started thinking. Aaron was with me yesterday, how can I not notice- ah. He must have told Taehyung about me while we're on the journey to his late granddad's house. Then was everything had actually been planned? The whole Taehyung and Julie-whatever thing is? Is this their plan? I can only answer the thoughts with my own theories but still I need some more answers from Taehyung or Aaron. Or both.

But if it turns out to be planned indeed to make me jealous, Taehyung is so dead. I'm going to kill him. At least mentally.

I put my phone at the edge of the sink which is dry and I turn the tap to cup some water to wash my face. I feel refreshed before someone bumped me and I accidentally pushed my phone off the edge and it fell to the floor. I curse myself lowly and pick it quick to find a slight crack at the edge of my phone screen. I sigh in relief when I see that apart from the crack, my phone is still functioning. Bless you, tempered glass.

"Oops, my bad", I recognize a familiar voice.

A familiar annoying voice.

I turn to look at the mirrors to find that Juliet is beside me, fixing her hair and light touch-ups on her face. I decide to just pull out a simple it's-okay-no-problem face before she stops me from exiting the restroom. Despite the worst things that she had done as been told by Taehyung, I am surprised myself that I can still remain calm as she sticks her arm in front of me.

"You're the one who's with Taehyung oppa right?", she sneers. Oppa? Ew.

"What do you think you're doing, Juliet?", surprisingly I remember her name. Weird. I swear my heart called her b.itch.

"I think you know he's with me now, right? I mean, it's all over the news", she claims while looking at her fake polished nails.

"I think you're all over yourself. Now back off", my tone slightly stern. I try to pass her again but she blocks me with her body right now. This b.itch is surely getting on my nerves.

"I hate to tell you this, woman, but please mind your own business and f.ucking leave Taehyung oppa alone".

Her choice of words kind of turn something on within me and believe me it's not nice at all. She's quite the same height as me but that's only because of her fake insoles inside her shoes and I f.ucking knew it. But still, I stare at her before speaking, "Mind your language, Juliet, I'm your sunbae (senior)".

"Pfft. Like I care. Listen, b.itch", she emphasizes, "Leave Taehyung alone or you'll regret it for sure".

I'm literally fuming right now and I don't see why I'm still not practically smashing her face to the wall.

"You're f.ucking crazy and you're so glad that I'm the only one who saw this side of you", I still don't understand why my f.ucking lips tried sugarcoating everything to her when she clearly don't.

Juliet pulls my arm and yanks me to face her again after I try to get the f.uck out of the stinky restroom. She takes out her phone and shows me the amazing collection of photos of Taehyung and I sweetly spending time together that she has.

"You think I'm joking, do you? Don't make me post these on the net", she warns me.

"Aww. It's very kind of you to take them for us. We're so sweet, aren't we? I mean look at those, the world must be jealous of us if they saw these", she clearly didn't expect my answer and also my next move. "Too bad only Taehyung and I can cherish these moments together. No other". I snatch her phone and throw it across the restroom and it hits the wall hard before falling on the wet dirty pools of water on the floor. In pieces.

The color of her face quickly drains when she sees her damaged iPhone and I smirk at her.

"Next time, pick someone of your own level, b.itch", I yank my hand off her grip and start walking back to the class.

When I reach the class, I see all my classmates are busy with their phones and worryingly exchanging glances to each other. Including Haru. I walk to her and ask her what's happening. She pulls up her head from her phone and focuses at me.

"It's Taehyung", she says. "He's at the hospital".


Ha i dont know if this is okay but glad i can write something in favor yippee ~

oh and um, pls comment and vote as u read? That pushes me to update alot ;3

Btw the photo is Juliet if u wnna know lol. I dnt mean to make other fandom go mad but its just purely fictional and i do think of her when I started writing this book. Tysm

Ilyall xx

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