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Nara's POV :

I look at Taehyung. And the necklace. To and fro. My lips gape, trying to find the perfect words to say, but there's none.

Officially, I'm speechless.

"This supposed to be like happening tomorrow night", he giggle, "But I think, why not now? I love you, so why wait?", he show me his toothy smile.

I blink a couple times, my mind goes blank.

"Nara? Hey, talk to me. Y-you scare me- are you ok-", he states nervously but is taken aback when I close our distance and hug him tight. As tight as I can.

"So, will you accept it?", he asks, shakily.

I nod. Taehyung smiles and picks me up before spinning me around happily. "Thank you thank you thank you! I love you so much!", he squeaks. I plant kisses on his cheeks in return. But after he put me down, his smile gradually fading away. His eyes settle on mine, his dark pupils shaking while looking into my soul.

"B-but.. What if.. You found someone.. And you'll.. Leave me", he asks, making the knots inside my gut tightens again. The grip on his neck loosened, my hands fell to my side but his caught them, lacing them with his own.

"I should be the one who ask- think about that", I murmur lowly. Indeed, for a famous idol like him, anything is possible. The things recently happened between him, Juliet and I were already pain in the, a b.itch of a life. I love Taehyung, for everything as he is, but little part of me, still tries to point out the under side of sharing the spotlight with him. As a matter of fact, I'm not an idol, I'm just a normal person.

"Nara? Are you listening to me? You were zoning out".

"Oh, um, sorry, what were you talking about?", I tilt my head, asking him. He sighs in defeat. He wants to say something but he retreated the words back, instead he smiles at me.

"Nothing, you know what? Just forget about that. I was just wondering, do you want me to put this on you?", Taehyung gestures the necklace in his hand. I nod again while rearranging my hair for him. He snuggles his hands to the back of my neck, putting the necklace on me himself.

"It's beautiful", I grab and look through the ring on my necklace, "Thank you".

"Nuh uh uh, not yet, wait till you see this", he comes closer to me and pulls the ring up to his face. Tilting it a little, Taehyung blows a little amount of air to the inside of the ring. My eyes get bigger when I saw a little word revealed from the act.

"What the hell is TaeRa?", I ask him, bluntly. The ring fell from Taehyung's grasp dramatically. With a hurt face, he looks at me.

"It- it's um- our ship name", he mutters, almost inaudible. He crinkles his eeyebrows as if looking for my opinion.

"Oh.. Um, okay", I force a smile, but don't get me wrong, not that I don't like it. I love it even. But as a  guy, this is already a big achievement for him and I find it really cute that I got no words against it. I'm touched.

"Oh yeah, and this", he suddenly pulls out a necklace that I thought never existed before, he flashes the pendant to me; the same ring as mine yet but slightly bigger, "Should seal my promise to you, that I'll be waiting for you until the time for us to be together forever has come. No matter how far we'll be separated, how long we'll be missing each other, I'll always find my way back to you. You'll always be my home".

Taehyung strokes my cheek that I didn't realized had been stained with warm tears upon his earnest promise.

"I don't want to push anything, you and I are still young, we both got quite a long journey ahead. You have your own dreams to achieve and so do I. Time and place may separate us in the future, but I promise you", he pulls one of my hand to his chest, right on his heart, "You're always here".

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