Part XXX

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"Okay, now I got us our food", Nara says as she enters Taehyung's car back. "Where should we go and eat it?".

Nara is so happy and blissful as she hold the takeaway jjajangmyun's box that she didn't even listen to anything that Taehyung said just now to her. She nods her head absentmindedly while focusing on the food in her arms now. She really, really likes foods at its warmest.

"So today we went to this charity event and like it's very awkward. It's our first time, you know, went to such event. It was an honour. But then, all the guests are actually the wealthy and kind donors and some famous public figures. So can you imagine us performing our song Boy in Luv in front of those audience? I find it very funny, don't you think so?", Taehyung happily shares his recent activities until he looks at the passenger's seat.

He left out a breathy chuckle after seeing Nara was already sleeping soundly beside him. While driving, Taehyung tries to take the takeaway food to put it at the backseat safely from her because he thought she might drop it while asleep.

But no, dude. She is holding onto them. Tight. Even when she's asleep. Seeing the crest of disapproval emerges on his sleeping beauty's eyebrows, Taehyung shook his head in amusement. He draws his attention back to the road while smiling; his cheekbones prominently appears along with the flutter feelings down his chest.

Taehyung slowly entangles Nara's right hand from clasping with her left one, carefully intertwines it with his left hand. Feeling her hand was slightly chilly, so Taehyung tightened his grip a little and showers her skin with light massages to kiss away the winter that creeps down her spine. And Taehyung let the situation be like that until the next few minutes after they reached a destination.

Taehyung turns off the engine and looks back at Nara. She still fast asleep comfortably with her hand unknowingly clamped together with Taehyung's. Taehyung inches a bit closer to Nara after unfastens his seat belt with his right arm rests on the headboard to support his head. Gently, he brings Nara's hand to his plump lips and kiss it.

Nara jolted up by the sudden bold gesture Taehyung made, making her retreating her hand from him as fast as the lightning. Her eyes wide open and her breath hitches a bit. But seeing Taehyung's calm face beside her, a relief sigh escaped from her puffy lips and calmly, she re-intertwines her hand with Taehyung's, earning a surprise and glad reaction from him.

"I'm so sorry, Taehyung-ah. I fell asleep-"

"It's alright, I feel bad waking you up though. You're a sleeping beauty", Taehyung says. Earning a scoff from Nara.

"Beauty my ass. Nobody's beautiful while they're asleep. They're either ugly or disaster", she sarcastically remarks.

"But you are", Taehyung briefly says, allowing some pinkish stain paints on Nara's cheeks. Nara quickly look away to hide what's already unleashed.

"S-so.. Where are we?", then she looks around. "Ey, seems familiar. W-why are we at my house? I thought we're supposed to eat our food together". Nara asks Taehyung, her eyes clearly outline her curiosity.

"It's okay, Nara. We'll eat together some other time".

"W-why?". There's some trace of anger in her voice.

"I know you're tired, Nara. You fell asleep just now. You don't easily got tired until you have to deal with heavy, great, difficult things; I know. It's okay, we can go some other time". Taehyung reassures her as smooth and soft as possible.

Nara's gaze soften with the brief but deep words of his and her face clearly mirrors her massive thinking inside her head.

"B- but-", she trembles her lips. It was true. Nara had been burning the midnight oil these days to prepare herself for the final exams. She was flustered because Taehyung surprisingly knows a bit more than she thought about herself than she does. She bit her lower lip before saying, "I am sorry for the sudden outburst just now-". Feeling guilty she is.

Taehyung chuckles at her. "It's okay, I understand. Someone's been missing me very much", he snorts. Nara immediately swats his hand in embarrassment. "Ouch, that hurts~ See?". Taehyung whines while blowing his hand hastily to reduce the pain.

"Ugh Taehyung-ah", Nara rolls her eyes to look at Taehyung, "I'm sure it's not that-".

And Taehyung stoles a kiss from her lips. Such quick peck made her heart raced like crazy and her insides thumping with joy. Nara widens her eyes at Taehyung. "You- Taehyung-ah! Stop that!". Taehyung teases Nara by going closer to her in fast motion but Nara immediately covers her mouth with her hand.

"What that?". Taehyung wiggles his eyebrow.

"K- Stop kissing me like that!". Nara muffles behind her hand.

"You don't like it?".

"N- no- Yes- Y- I don't know but stop-", Nara flusters more.

"Well then, I won't do that again", Taehyung sighs and Nara brings her hand away from her lips. "I shall do it properly then".

Taehyung's hands snuggles at her jaw at both side, carefully pulls Nara and his face closer by the second. His eyes never leave hers, looking for the signs of refusal nor denial; but there are none. As Nara willingly closes her eyes, the edges of their lips met and Taehyung kissed her. He closes his eyes to let the incredibly sweet foreign feeling creeps to his veins and he smiles a little into the kiss when he felt her hands carefully tugs the hem of his shirt.

After what it feels like years to them, they finally pull away. Their eyes meet again and Nara stutters as she speaks to Taehyung; trying to defy her pounding heart while having Taehyung at this close proximity.

"S- so I'll take my food a- and I'll go inside".

"Sure, Nara", Taehyung tugs a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Enjoy your dinner".

"Y- you too", Nara tries her best to avoid eye contact with Taehyung while she gets off his car. Before she closes the door, Nara took a sight of Taehyung for the last time.

"I love you", Taehyung says.


it's 4.30am here and i updated finally! I'm so sorry my wifi still bot working now I'm using my data shit. That costs me extra $$$ like ugh. Anyway, i hope u enjoy this another sweet chapter too~ i got test on 10am this morning and I've been studying like hell so I'm here to get ur blessings. Wish me luck lol xD

thank you for reading xx

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