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Remind you that Aaron is played by iKON's BI ;3


"Do you want to go somewhere with me?", Aaron asks Nara.

She tilts her head a little, narrowing her dark brown eyes as she search for the roots of Aaron's thoughts beyond his eyes, "Where to?", she grumbles while eating a bar of chocolate.

"Am I allowed not to tell you?", Aaron asks in tight lips.

"No", Nara focuses back on her chocolate and take big bites on it.

"Oh come on, it'll ruin the surprise", Aaron pleas.

"I promise, it's cool and fun", he adds.

"Sounds like a drug addict to me", Nara snaps.

"What, no! It's nothing related to that", Aaron says, "please?".

"Fine, but if I sense something fishy, I'll cut your throat", Nara finishes her chocolate and crumpled the wrapper into a small ball shaped.

"Worth it, trust me", Aaron smiles at her while raising his arms reassuringly.

"But don't you have a school to go?", Nara lifts her eyebrow, sneering.

"Uh", Aaron glances at his watch, "Nope, too late. Let's go", Aaron derives her attention quickly as he grab her hand and practically drags her to the nearest bus station.

"Can you just tell me wh-"

"Nope. Come on, the bus is here", Nara stops trailing Aaron when she sees the sign on the bus.

"Gamcheon? What are we doing there?", she squeaks.

"I told you it's  a surprise. Now hop your ass on this bus already", Aaron blurts. Nara absentmindedly follows him and they pay the bus fares using their student card before sitting at the third row.

"Now, will y-"

"It will be fun, trust me", Aaron cuts her off.

"It better be then. It's freezing and I don't even bring my coat with me, douchebag", she mutters.

"You have me", he says.

"Ew, I'm getting goosebumps. I think I'm gonna be sick-", Nara fakes her wretching sound.

"Come on, I'm trying to be a gentleman here, don't give up on me", he snorts, earning an eye-rolling from Nara.

Gamcheon is actually quite rural area famous with many small villages that have been devoted their walls as one of the sketchpads for mural arts. Apart from the dizzy, vomit-causing hills in order to get there, the nature view from there is quite amazing and the murals are like music to the eyes of the ones who sees and feels it.

The trip took around an hour and a half, that Nara has already fallen asleep on Aaron's shoulder throughout the journey. When they arrived at the place, he slowly wakes her up.

"Nara-yah, wake up", Aaron nudges. Nara stirs in her sleep but still not fully awake.

"You're drooling on my shoulder".

Nara shot open her eyes and jerks away from Aaron. Her flushed face, puffy eyes and squinted eyes looks so vulnerable and innocent to Aaron, "Oh did I? I'm so-"

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