Part XX

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"So how's Nara at school? I hope she's doing good"

"Eomma! Jebal~"

Taehyung giggled and almost choked at his food. His half squinted eyes scrolls back and forth from Nara and her eomma.

"She's doing extra fine, Mrs. Jeon. In fact she still aced all the tests and exams" Taehyung wiped the corner of his lips with a tissue.

"Great! Now, I know someone I can rely on to keep an eye of you at school, Nara" then she turned to Taehyung. "I'm sorry Taehyung-ah, you know, as a mother, I really need to make sure she's okay"

"Eomma! Stop it! You're embarrassing me" Nara grumbled. But still finding her food tasty.

Taehyung and Mrs. Jeon shared quite a number of things about life and everything sounds beautiful and gracious coming out from Taehyung's mouth. His attitude is far more mature and well-being rather than usual. Their conversation is unstoppable but Taehyung's eyes never missed a moment to look at Nara's.

Nara already finished her food so she just stood with excusing herself because she didn't want to disturb whatever her eomma and Taehyung's talking.

"You've finished?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah" shortly before Nara went to the kitchen.

Nara's :

It feels very awkward when both of them were talking like I wasn't even there. It's both glad and upsetting at the same time. I'm glad eomma's happy to know that I do have friend that is reliable, I guess? But I'm not sure when that friend happens to be Taehyung.

My hands were chilling as I was washing my plate but my head was somewhere else. I kept reminding myself that that boy who's taking to eomma right now is the asshole I met weeks ago. He better not faking it or I'll swear that I will not agree to go out with him.


Go out with him.

Is he doing this so that I would agree to go out with him?


Nice job, asshole.

But why am I all fluttery when I think about it?

"I hope you're feeling much better since you're smiling by yourself now" I squealed a little when I saw Taehyung stood next to me placing his and probably eomma's plates. He was trying to grab the dish soap but I pushed his hand lightly.

"It's okay, just put it there. I'll wash them"


"Don't -"

"I'm not that kind of person. I do everything by myself"

"Yeah right, but this is my house, so practically this is my job. And you're my eomma's guest" I hissed at him. So he gave up but still not moving from my side.

"So..have you decided?" God. He almost made me drop the plate.

"W-what decide- Oh. No..not yet" I stammered.

"I am not really that desperate, but the sooner the better" Taehyung said while he snatched the plate from me. "At least let me dry them for you" Did he just flashed his puppy eyes to me? No..I guess.

So I just let him be.

"Why do you need me to answer so fast though?"

"Because I don't want you to play with my feelings. I need to know so that I can ready for the consequences" he smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, but what about my feelings? How would I know if you're being sincere to me? I mean your feelings, like you said. I can never judge someone that quick. I need to at least understand your intentions, reasons and shits before umhh..we do that"

Taehyung stopped wiping the plate he's holding. "You really need to know how serious and sincere I am to ask you out?"

"W..well least that's what they're doing in the dramas" I shrugged and my cheeks bloomed red again.

"If that's so.." Taehyung cleared his throat.

"Mrs. Jeon, can I go out with her this Saturday?"

My lips were sealed tight before my eyes shifted to see my eomma who's standing at the door frame of the kitchen.


Never thought this book will surpass 7k reads though lol. Keep on voting and reading and commenting ~ I might do a quick update if the reads and votes surpassed certain values huhuu~~ thank you^^

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