Hey May...

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Allen's POV

I waited for a few seconds as I heard high heals coming down the steps. The door opened and Jess and May came out.

"You bitches look fab!" I said handing them the corsages. They really do look fabulous!

"Thanks sweet cheeks!" Jess said putting on her corsages.

"May you look like sex!" I said giving her a big gay hug.

"Thanks Allen."

''Listen I know you don't want to go, but just make the best out of it!"

"I know...''

May's POV

After my dad came down and took pictures, Allen, Jess, and I left In Allen's car. I'm literally about to piss my pants! Everyone is going to be staring at me.

When we got there, Allen parked his car as far back from the school as possible. We got out of the car, Allen took my hand and Jess's and we started to walk up to the school. As we walked up, I saw Harry's car...

As we got closer, everyone started to look at us. "We're just too fabulous!" Allen whispered in my ear. It didn't help...

We walked into the school and we took pictures. Once again, everyone was staring.

The music was blasting. Jess and Allen went to go dance and I just sat at our table. Every few minutes, people came up asking if I was here with Harry, and I said no every time.

After a few hours of waiting for Jess and Allen to get back, they finally showed up. But they looked worried.

"May... Harry's here..." Jess said. My heart suddenly started to pound.

"I know, I saw his car..."

"I know, but me came up to us and asked where you are!!"

"What did you say?"

"..." They were both quiet and from behind them Harry appeared.

"Hey May..." 

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