I Love You

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Harry's POV

I ran back to the top of the building and found May. "That was fun!" I said walking up behind her, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"It sure was fun remembering all the fun we had." She said turning around and facing me. I placed my hand on her cheek.

"I love you... I know that right?" I asked rubbing my thumb under her eye, wiping away a tear that fell from her eye.

"Prove it..." She said looking at me with her beautiful green eyes I remembered staring into that magical night we made love.

I leaned in and our lips met for the first time since the island. I felt sparks fly. Chills ran up and down my spine. Kissing May made me feel alive.

"Did I prove it?" I asked wanting her to realize that I do really love her.

"Yep." She said biting her bottom lip. My absolute turn on. "I love you too!" She grabbed my jaw and kissed me hard. I could help but cry. I'm so happy! I want to spent the rest of my life with her!

A/N: Alright!! This was the last chapter guys!! I've had a lot of fun writing this! I hope you all enjoyed it. Love you all! xxMarley

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