01 ; Did You Know

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          On the last week of summer vacation, Joan didn't plan on going on a trip to Mexico. Yes, she's always wanted to go, but not under the circumstances she's using right now. She wanted to go to see the Aztec and Mayan temples, or explore Mexico City. Instead she was on her way to her death thanks to a terribly made plan – created by none other than Stiles Stilinski – to save Derek Hale (someone she could somewhat stand because he didn't make fun of a majority of her random facts).

          At times she wouldn't mind using one of Stiles' plans to most people's surprise, but this one was just horrendous, and the sad thing was was that she couldn't think of anything better.

         "Did you know that sugary drinks kill more people than violent crimes in Mexico?" Joan says as Stiles' jeep runs over a pothole, causing the girl to jump on top of Malia. Joan squirmed uncomfortably on Malia's lap with Malia's arms wrapped protectively around Joan's waist almost like a seatbelt as the car continues to move forward.

          "Is this your way of tell me that the plan sucks, because it's not that bad of a plan," Stiles scoffs, his eyes trained on the dirt road. "If you thought of a better one, how come I haven't heard about it, Joan?"

          The chestnut haired girl rolled her eyes, "No, I'm not saying the plan sucks, all I'm saying is that more people in Mexico die by consuming sugary drinks rather than in shoot outs or other crime-related events. I'm also trying to lighten up the mood in this crowded jeep."

         "That's pretty cool, Joan!" Malia says, oblivious to the tension between her two favorite people and Stiles' quiet bickering. "What else do you know about Mexico?"

         "Well, Mexico's thirty-fourth president ruled for less than an hour, before resigning," Joan explains with a small smile. Joan enjoyed Malia's company, she reminded Joan of herself before werewolves and the stress of possible death overtook her life. She was lively, curious, and innocent. Over the past couple of months or so Joan and Stiles have been helping integrate Malia into society. Stiles' job was to teach Malia the ways of being a modern-day teenager, while Joan taught Malia things like history, math, science, and literature – in shorter terms, she was basically Malia's tutor and Stiles was her life coach.

         At times Malia would stay over at Joan's house and spend the night hunched over books and watching Bill Nye videos about sound waves or electricity, or she would stay at Stiles' house learning about how to control her abilities and how to correctly use a smartphone. The two – Stiles and Joan – were like Malia's parents; the type of parents who at times hated each others' guts and found the other annoying, but wanted what's best for their daughter. And Malia wouldn't want it any other way.


         Joan sighed blissfully, stretching her legs for the first time after climbing out of Stiles' jeep. The girl silently jumped around from one foot to the other, trying to get blood to circulate back through her legs.

          Lydia, Kira, and Malia giggled at the girl in front of them as she slowly stops bouncing up and down. "Are you okay?" Kira asks, a large, toothy smile gracing her lips.

         "Yep," Joan replies, grinning at the kitsune, "I'm just making sure blood goes back to my legs."

          Scott chuckles, looking from the intelligent brunette to his best friend, "Everyone remembers the plan, right?" The group nods in response, splitting up into their separate parties: one group holding Malia, Kira, and Scott, and the other made up of Stiles, Lydia, and Joan.

          "If anything happens, which hopefully nothing does, look for Scott or anyone you see first. It's better to be with another person than on your own in a club full of supernatural hunters," Joan explains, looking between the four supernatural creatures around her and Stiles. They all nod, prepared to bring back their sour wolf.

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