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          Joan tugged on her dress nervously, her eyes glued to the mirror in front of her to see if her outfit was absolutely perfect. Her hair laid nicely over her shoulders and her makeup was light and minimal, all thanks to Lydia.

          The strawberry blonde grinned, watching Joan from her set on the girl's bed, "You look gorgeous, Joan. No need to be nervous."

         "That's good to hear from you since every guy thinks your attractive twenty-four seven," Joan replied, turning to look at Lydia. "This is my first real date and I don't want to mess this up, y'know? We've been talking about doing this for a long time and I'm just nervous..."

          Lydia sighed, sitting up and patting the empty space beside her. Joan hesitantly sat down, smoothing out her skirt as she did so. "You are not going to mess this up. You're going to have the most magical first date ever with Stiles – who is going to think you are smoking hot mind you. You just need a little confidence!"

          The sound of the doorbell ringing cut the strawberry blonde from continuing her little speech. Joan's eyes to widen, her nerves spiking. "Oh god, he's here!" Joan screeched, quickly grabbing her small purse with shaking hands.

          "Joan, honey," Lydia cooed, stepping in front of Joan and placing her hands on the brunette's shoulders, "Stiles loves you more than any other person in the world. He loves you because you are smart, selfless, caring, and most importantly: confident. So go down there with your bright, lovable smile and knock his socks off!"

         "Thanks, Lydia," Joan smiled gratefully, thankful that the girl was there by her side.

          With that, Lydia nudged Joan towards her bedroom door, sending her one last reassuring smile before Joan descended down the stairs. She could faintly hear Stiles talking with her father causing her to quicken her pace. Her eyes were focused on her shoes, making sure she didn't trip in the heels Lydia had provided her with.

          The small sound of talking seized as Joan came into view, completely oblivious to the eyes watching her in awe. Bethany and Charles smiled brightly at their daughter while Stiles gaped at her beauty.

         Joan's eyes widened at the sudden silence, her cheeks heating up at the sudden attention. "Hey," she mumbled, finally standing in front of Stiles.

         "Hi," he replied, smiling down at her with a wide smile. "You look absolutely gorgeous!"

         "You don't look too bad yourself, Stilinski," Joan replied, her eyes taking in Stiles' simple black slacks and tucked in white button-up. He was dressed formally, but not in a penguin suit which made Joan feel relieved that Lydia told her to wear the dress she was wearing.

         The two smiled at each other; the duo stuck in time.

         Charles cleared his throat, causing the two quickly look over at Joan's parents in embarrassment. "Now, we expect her back at eleven. No dilly dallying, okay?"

         "Charles! It's summer vacation, let them have a little fun," Bethany argued, grinning from ear to ear.

         "Fine," Charles sighed, his stern look changing to one of love and care. "One o'clock at the latest."

         "Yes, Mr. Arcs," Stiles replied back politely. "I'll have her back right one time."

         Charles nodded in approval, Bethany clapping with glee, "Great! Now you two go have fun! Don't do anything stupid."

          Joan laughed, "We won't. Love you!" After a final goodbye, Stiles and Joan quickly left the Arcs residence. Stiles politely opened up the passenger side door of his Jeep for Joan before going to his side.

         "Thank you, kind sir," Joan joked, smiling from ear to ear.

          Stiles laughed, nodding his head, "Why of course, m'lady. I'm going to finally be fulfilling my promise on taking you on an amazing date!"

         "Thank God we're not grounded anymore," Joan explained as Stiles began to drive through Beacon Hills. "The suspense was killing me!"

          The two laughed, smiling over at each other. They drove in a comfortable silence, their hands clasped together in between them. Joan looked up at the slowly fading sun, barely being able to see the crescent moon.

          "Where are you taking me?" Joan asked, looking around at the woods that surrounded them.

          Stiles shook his head, a knowing grin plastered upon his face, "You'll see." With that Stiles wouldn't say a single thing about where they were going, constantly repeating that it was a surprise and to be patient.

          Joan's eyes widened as Stiles' slowly rolled the Jeep to a stop. In front of them was a small picnic having been placed at Lookout Point. Stiles sheepishly looked over at Joan, praying that she liked it. He quickly jumped out of the car and raced over to open up Joan's door. The brunette laughed, jumping out of Stiles' car and walking over to the small picnic.

          A plaid picnic blanket was place delicately in the middle of Lookout Point, giving them a perfect view of the sunset and Beacon Hills. Stiles followed, a basket clasped in his hands filled with food. He placed it down on the blanket and looked over at Joan. "Ta-da!"

         Joan grinned, laughing lightly as she stepped towards Stiles. Without hesitation she grabbed Stiles by the collar and pulled him down for a kiss. His hands immediately wrapped and her waist and pulled her closer to his chest.

          Joan smiled into the kiss, her nerves completely evaporating and being replaced with joy. "I love you," she whispered, pulling away slightly.

         "I love you too."



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