20 ; I Could Kiss You

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          The idea of getting a full eight hours of sleep seemed to have become a long forgotten memory to the two humans. They'd both were about to jump into Stiles' bed when Lydia called the duo saying that they needed to go to the station.

          Joan groaned, grabbing her jacket before slowly walking out of Stiles' bedroom. "Don't you think we should be dressed in something else besides our pjs?" Stiles asks, jumping around as he tried to put on his sneakers without sitting down.

          Joan shrugged, raising an eyebrow at Stiles once she saw that he had one arm pulled through his flannel shirt while the other dangled behind him uselessly as he attempted to put on his other shoe. "It's not like I'm gonna get my picture taken. Plus I'm too tired to walk back into your bathroom and change."

          Stiles huffed, finally having gotten his shoes on, "Gotcha," he wheezed out, beginning to follow her.

          "Y'know you put on two different types of shoes on right?" Joan asked Stiles, stopping at the top of the staircase. Stiles groaned loudly, "I don't care! Let's go, someone could be dead!"

          Joan noticed Stiles' constantly shuffling as they entered his Jeep causing her to let out a chuckle, "Go change your shoes, Stilinski."


          Stiles, Joan, and Lydia scurried behind the Sheriff, insisting that Lydia's grandmother could be the Benefactor. "It's not just that she could still be alive," Stiles insisted, waving his hands around. 

          "It's that she would've had to fake her death," Lydia added. 

          "Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" the Sheriff questioned slowly, not believing the trio one bit. The idea of Lydia's grandmother actually being alive indeed seemed farfetched, but they've suggested worst. They knew that a banshee had something to do with being the Benefactor. It couldn't be Lydia because she found out about the Dead Pool the same time as them, and it can't be Meredith because she's dead. All they had left was Lorraine Martin and she was becoming guiltier and guiltier by the minute thanks to the more information they found out about her past.


          "Possibly," Joan corrected.

          "Maybe," Lydia finally concluded.

          Stiles shook his head, "More than likely, yes."

          "Oh, I'm guessing you got a story to back this up?"

           The teens nodded, their faces reading complete seriousness. "She might be helping The Benefactor."

          "Or is the Benefactor," Joan emphasized.

          "That sounds like a story worth hearing," the Sheriff explained, opening up his office door and letting the teens enter. Stiles immediately got into his speech on how Lydia's grandmother had to be involved with the Dead Pool, while Lydia and Joan cut in here and there.

          The Sheriff continued to listen to the teens intently, his gaze moving to the desks outside his office. He immediately noticed that Parrish wasn't insight, causing him to scrunch his eyebrows together. He raised his hand at Stiles, telling him to stop talking for a moment, before sticking his head out of his office door. "Anyone seen Parrish? Haigh?"

          Haigh quickly looked up at the Sheriff, surprised he had asked him a question. He slowly shook his head, his eyes flickering over to the teens in the Sheriff's office. "Haven't seen him." The Sheriff slowly nodded, closing his office door once again and turning back towards Stiles and the two girls beside him.

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