14 ; Things are Changing

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          Melissa had released Joan two hours after she had awoken from her 'little nap' as long as she promised to hold off on talking when she didn't need to be and to drink tea as much as possible. Her parents had pestered her constantly for information about what had happened, as well as the police men who was stationed in front of her room, yet she kept the same statement: 'I saw her attacking the guards and I wanted to help. Everyone was at the game, so I didn't think I had enough time call for help. I'm sorry...'

          Joan was beyond relieved when she was finally home. Stiles had insisted on making sure she got home safe and stayed in her bed for the night. "Stiles, I'm fine. You can go now," Joan coughed out as Stiles tucked her into bed for what seemed like the tenth time.

          "Ok, fine!" Stiles explained, taking a step away from Joan's bed. "If anything happens, just text or call me. Don't be heroic, okay?"

          Joan nodded and crossed her finger over her heart, indicating that she would do she was said. Stiles nodded in approval, "Good. Uh, I'll see you tomorrow. We're gonna talk to Parrish, see if he knows that he's on the list, which he probably doesn't. Are you sure you're okay? I–"

          "Stiles," Joan spoke sternly. "Go home. Get some sleep. I'm fine. I'll be brand new by morning. I'll see you at 8."

          Stiles looked at Joan intently before slowly nodding, mumbling a 'fine' under his breath before leaving. Joan wouldn't be lying if she said she wished she had told Stiles to stay, but he needed to rest and it would be totally inappropriate for her to have asked him to stay. She'd see him in the morning.


          The next morning Joan was out of bed and ready to conquer the day the best she could without talking. She'd made sure to cover her bruised neck with as much foundation she possibly could muster wearing while keeping a scarf in her bag if people began to stare. Her parents had smothered her beyond belief when she'd walked down stairs.One cup and thermos of tea was set out for her as well as two pain pills for Joan to take.

          She thanked her parents profusely, not knowing how she'd survive without the two of them. "Of course, Joan," her mother had replied, kissing her forehead. "If you don't want to go to school today that's completely fine!" her father had added, taking a swig of his coffee.

         "I think I'm gonna skip on today's lesson day. I don't particularly want to deal with Cassandra this morning, if you know what I mean," Joan replied, knowing that the young freshman would most likely say some snarky comment to her about her neck or something to try and hurt her.

          Her father nodded, laughing lightly, "I get it, kiddo. Just know that you're gonna face people like Ms. Marcus at some point during life." Joan nodded in distaste.

          The sound of honking met the Arcs family's ears, causing Joan to quickly grab her thermos of tea and say goodbye to her parents. Joan jogged out of her house and slide into the passenger seat of Stiles' Jeep, a seat that she's become accustom to sitting in.

          "Hey," she explained, smiling softly. "Told you I'd be fine."

          Stiles rolled his eyes, pulling out of Joan's driveway, "Yeah yeah. Drink your tea, Arcs." The two sat in a comfortable silence all the way to the police station, the sound of the radio being the only thing heard. Joan smiled happily at Lydia once they had made it to their destination.

          "Joan!" Lydia explained in relief, pulling the small brunette into a tight hug. "I'm so happy you're ok. Stiles wouldn't stop texting me about how worried he was!"

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