15 ; PSAT Distractions

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          Joan never got nervous at school, unless there was some type of homicidal being that could kill them at any moment in class, but otherwise she was calm and collected. On the day of the PSAT, Joan would say she was mildly nervous, but prepared – mostly for the math problems not a new assassin.

          As the pack waited anxiously in their line to start the test, Joan absentmindedly scratched her wrist in impatience. This had been the third time Joan took the PSAT, and it's never taken this long to prepare the classroom.

          "Where's Lydia?" Kira suddenly asks, looking around at the group in confusion.

          Stiles shrugged, "She's took it her freshman year."

          "Then why's Joan here?"

          "'Cause the more practice you get with taking a test imagine how prepared you'd be for taking the real thing!" Joan explained, a grin spread across her lips. The pack stared at Joan in confusion, wondering why she'd want to waste her Saturday on a test she's already taken. "Fine... I couldn't stay home without loosing my mind in worry and such so I thought coming here would help get my mind off things."

          "Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?" Malia quickly asks, her back leaning against the lockers. If she could be anywhere else in the world, she would defiantly take up that opportunity.

          Scott sighed, patting Malia's shoulder in reassurance, "Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us."

         "Doesn't mean I'm gonna do good," Malia grumbled in response, kicking her shoe against the tile floor.

          Stiles coughed under his breath, mutter: "Well..."

          Malia arches an eyebrow at the human, confusion written all over her face, "Well, what?"

         "It's do well, not good," Stiles corrected awkwardly, scratching his neck. 

         "Oh, God!" Malia panicked, fearing of not passing being the only thought in her mind. "Okay, okay."

         "You're doing this, because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live," Scott insisted. "If I survive high school, I'd like to go to college. A good college."

          Joan nodded, "Malia, you're really smart you just gotta believe in yourself!"

          "It's only three hours, too," Kira inputs, hoping on reassuring her nervous group of friends. "We can survive three hours."


          Joan smiled politely at the man handing out the test booklets and pencils, as well as Ms. Martin. She made sure to grab two pencils before leaving the front desk and walking towards Ms. Martin.

          "Cell phone in the envelope, Joan. You'll get it back after the test," Ms. Martin ordered, waiting expectantly for Joan to place her phone into the small envelope. Joan nodded, reluctantly placing her phone in the envelop before taking a seat in front of Stiles. 

          She quickly turned around in her seat, rolling her eyes at Stiles who happened to have had pencils behind his ears and in his mouth. She gave him two thumbs up, mumbling a quick good luck to the spastic boy. He replied with a smile, the pencil still in between his teeth, and a wink. Joan rolled her eyes, laughing softly under her breath, before turning back around in her seat.

          "Please do not open the test booklet until you are instructed to do so," the man explained, his eyes watching as Stiles was about to open his test booklet. "This test is two hours and 10 minutes. There will be two 25-minute critical reading sections, two 25-minute math sections and an essay writing portion that will last 30 minutes." The man paused, looking at Ms. Martin and around the classroom before speaking up once again, "There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring this exam."

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