16 ; I Know

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          Joan continued to stare ahead, her head rested upon Stiles' shoulder while Malia's head was placed upon her lap. If you were to look past their tired and fearful expression, you could imagine it as a family picture in a way. Thoughts were running through her head at the speed of light, wanting nothing more than to be able to heal her friends right then and there. 

          "You know, this is where it all started," Stiles pipped up, his eyes traveling around the room. "That's where the money was. one-hundred-seventeen million in bearer bonds."

          "How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?" Kira questioned from besides Scott.

          "Bank, I guess," Stiles assumed. "They just let it sit here the whole time collecting dust. You know bearer bonds are basically extinct?"

          Joan looked up at him in curiosity, "Why does it matter?"

         "You know how many problems that money could solve?"

          "For you?" Kira asked.

           Stiles nodded hesitantly, looking down at his hands feverishly, "Me. My dad... The Eichen House and MRI bills are crushing him..." Joan reached out and placed her hand overtop of his as a form of comfort. Stiles smiled down at her, glad that she was feeling better and by his side.

          "Mom does this thing, she writes down all the items in our budget, and how much they cost, then she adds them all up and figures out how long we have until... We lose the house," Scott admits helplessly. There were so many different things those bonds could have been used for besides sitting in this vault for years or being used to pay assassins to kill every supernatural beings in Beacon Hills.

          They could help Scott and Stiles pay for the massive amount of debt their parents were dealing with. It could help thousands of other lives as well, but it wasn't. Instead it was helping people that didn't need it. It was helping kill innocent lives left and right without giving a damn. It was a perfect example of how dark and greedy humanity was.


          Malia lay sound asleep when she and Stiles came back from their discussion with Scott. Joan lightly shook the sick were-coyote's shoulder, trying to ease her back into consciousness. "Malia. Malia...?"

          The were-coyote slowly stirred awake, her eyes blinking as she tried to focus on the two humans kneeling in front of her. Joan grabbed her hand as she watched Malia wake up, now seeing the black blood that had dried around her mouth.

          "We, uh, we gotta leave for a few, okay?" Stiles informed hesitantly, receiving a confused look from Malia.

          "Where are you going?" Malia quickly asked as she attempted to sit up causing her to wince. 

          The two shared a look of concern, knowing that Malia was becoming sicker and sicker by the minute. "Whatever's happening, it's worse for you guys," Stiles spoke, seeing the looking of distress crossing Joan's face as they were about to leave Malia. "That means it's not just people getting sick, it's another assassin."

          Malia slowly nodded, her hand squeezing Joan's. Her body shook as if a chill had run down her spin. Stiles reached his hand out and pressed it against her forehead, feeling the sudden spike in her temperature. "Here," he mumbled, taking off his outer coat and wrapping it around her shoulders. He smiled down at the were-coyote, not wanting to frighten her when the two of them had to leave.

          "You're coming back, right?" Malia quickly asked before they could stand up and begin to leave.

          Joan and Stiles nodded profusely. "Yes, of course," Joan explained in her motherly tone. "We'd never leave you behind." It was like the roles were switched when Malia had ran off in Mexico. But this time is wasn't Malia that had left without them knowing if she'd come back, this time it was Stiles and Joan that were leaving Malia. They didn't know if they would get back in time. All they could do is hope that they would.

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