06 ; #ProtectStilinski2k16

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          Joan looked over at young Derek while Stiles, the sheriff, and Scott bickered about time travel (which was an insane assumption in Joan's opinion). "I'm gonna go talk to him," Joan said, not waiting for a response before exiting the office. It was useless for them to continue bickering while Derek sat outside. They had Derek, they might as well talk to him and get things done before Kate causes any more problems.

          Stiles and Scott watched as Joan went towards Derek, the two curious about what she was about to do. She smiled calmly down at Derek, taking a seat beside him, "Hey, Derek."

          "How do you know my name?" the now youthful Hale asked, looking up at Joan in confusion and slight fear. 

          "I'm a friend, you just don't remember me. I need you to trust me and my friends okay?" Joan wanted to tell him everything; the fact that he was much older the last time she saw him, the fact that he's much grumpier and mostly hates everyone, and the fact that it was Kate that did this to him (who happened to be his crazy ex-girlfriend).

          Derek looked up at Stiles and Scott, the two finally having stopped their bickering about whether or not they should tell Derek the truth, a look of uncertainty gracing the young boy's features. "Why should I trust you guys?"

          "There was an accident," Scott explained, deciding it would be best to not tell Derek the truth which angered Joan. "You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back." After several words of persuasion, Derek finally agreed to trusting the three teens. Joan instantly grabbed Derek's hand, leading him to Stiles' jeep without hesitation.

          "Hey, you okay?" Scott asks Stiles, smelling slight agitation and jealousy radiating off of him.

          "Yeah, yeah. I'm good. Just peachy," Stiles quickly replied, taking out his car keys and speed walking towards Joan and Derek.


          Awkwardness was normally not a word that Joan associated with, but sitting between Stiles and Derek – now 'Miguel' – was the definition of awkward. Not only was Stiles acting ten time more strange and overbearing, but being around Scott's father without Scott present was another story.

          Thankfully it didn't last long, having ended with Derek abruptly grabbing Stiles underneath the table when he learned the truth about his family. Without hesitation, Joan quickly excused herself and the two boys while thanking Mr. McCall for the food. Joan quickly pushed the two aggressively upstairs and into Scott's room so Mr. McCall couldn't hear them.

          "You lied to me!" Derek accused angrily, pushing Stiles' face into Scott's bedroom door, while watching Joan closely.

          "Okay, I didn't lie," Stiles admits. "I omitted certain truths. Vital truths now that I think about it."

          "I don't want to talk to you. I want to talk to the Alpha. I'll talk to Scott," Derek insists, fear and anger coursing through him. Joan took a step forward, her hand resting on the young Hale's shoulder in comfort and reassurance. "We'll get Scott. Everything's gonna be fine, Derek. Isn't that right, Stiles?"

          Stiles nodded, opening the door and slowly backing up. "My phone's downstairs. I'm going to call him real quick. You stay here, just don't move, okay? Don't move," Stiles mumbled, Joan following behind. A sigh of irritation fell from her lips once Stiles quickly hopped back into Scott's room. "Don't... I thought you..."

          She shook her head at him, "He's not a child. He knows not to move."

          "You don't know that! He's a completely different Derek who has hormones and is probably still in puberty and has sexual thoughts about many people... You have no idea what he'd do!" Stiles insisted, rambling on and on which caused his face to redden.

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