08 ; You're Staring

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          When you receive a call from Scott McCall majority of the time it's for bad reasons, and this was definitely no exception. When Joan picked up her phone she knew something was wrong. She had no idea what Scott had done, but it was so serious that within minutes Stiles was knocking on Joan's door.

          "Hello, stranger," Joan says, grabbing her coat before leaving her house with Stiles. The two had just seen each other after helping Malia study at Stiles' house. It was a normal evening with the two of them making sure Malia continued studying rather than watching television or playing on her phone. Malia sat between the two humans, grumbling about how math was useless and how Lydia's notes didn't make any sense.

          Stiles smiled, hiding his worry quite well, "Did Scott tell you anything? He was very vague..."

          Joan shook her head, a frown forming upon her lips as Stiles began to drive. "No, he just said that you were on your way to pick me up and that it was an emergency... You don't think anyone's... y'know... massively hurt, right? It would have been on the news."

          "No, I hope not," Stiles mumbled, looking over at Joan. Her eyes were focused on the woods outside her window while she fiddled with her fingers. It was a nervous habit of hers that Stiles noticed.

          "You're staring," Joan says, looking over at Stiles with a joking glare. "Eyes back on the road, Stilinski."

          "I– I wasn't staring! I was just uh... Okay, maybe I was staring..."


          He couldn't have possibly done something stupid right, Joan asked herself as she followed Scott and Stiles throughout the McCall house towards Scott's bedroom. I stand corrected.

          Joan's eyes widened the moment she saw Liam Dunbar lying in Scott's bathtub, restrained by multiple pieces of duck tape. "You can't possibly be serious..." She quickly grabbed the shower curtain and closed it causing Liam to grunt in fear. Joan silently sat down on Scott's bed, Stiles and the boy in question following suit.

          "So you bit him?" Stiles asks, his eyes remaining on the wall ahead of him.

           Scott nods, "Yeah."

          "And you kidnapped him?" Stiles continues.


          "And brought him here?" Joan sighs in dismay, placing her head in her hands. How could he be so stupid?!

          "I panicked!" Scott says, finally looking at his two friends. He looked at them with distraught, knowing that what he did wasn't the smartest thing to have done. But to him it was better than keeping him at the hospital where he could tell the world that he was bit by Scott and nearly eaten by the now dead Walcott.

          Stiles groans in annoyance, his leg bouncing erratically, "Yep. This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?" Moments later, Liam begins to scream from within the bathroom, his noises being muffled thanks to the piece of tape covering his mouth.

          "Scott," Joan begins, looking up from her hands, "this is why Stiles and I create the plans. Yours are terrible. I'm sorry, but they really are."

          "I know," Scott mumbles in anguish. "Which is why I called you. So, what do we do?" The two humans sigh, standing up from Scott's bed and beginning to walk towards Liam. Joan opens the curtain and helps Stiles and Scott lift the freshman out of the bathtub.

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