04 ; Confessions of a Genius Pt. 2

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Joan couldn't define the feeling that overwhelmed her as she and the pack hurriedly brought a young Derek Hale into Beacon Hills' Animal Clinic. Yes, she was happy to have found the man alive, but at the same time was nervous and stressed to the bone about how Derek seemed to be several years younger. She remembered joking to the older Hale about his lack of youth, but now seeing as he was youthful, she took it back.

Occasionally on the ride back to Beacon Hills, she'd have to look back down at the male and touch his cheek to make sure he was real, to make sure nothing was a dream, but Joan knew it was real. She's been through worst things that she wished were a dream, things that would haunt her and the rest of the pack for the rest of their lives.

Joan carefully laid the young Hale upon the metal table with the help of Scott and Stiles, who insisted she take a moment to breath instead of helping them hold up a teenage boy. But, Joan denied their claims, knowing that if she was in Derek's position he would do the same for her.

"Wow," Deaton explains as he carefully looks at Derek's resting face and body.

"'Wow'? Wow as in, 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do,' kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for," Stiles rambles, his hands rung together in front of his chest.

Deaton shakes his head, looking from Stiles to Derek, "I think you might be overestimating my abilities."

Joan rest her hand upon Derek's forehead, hoping to get some reaction out of him, but is instead met with cold flesh, "He's cold. Do you think he's sick? You'd think he'd have a fever or something?"

"Do you think this is permanent?" Scott asks, ignoring Joan's statement and looking at Deaton with hope.

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate," Deaton shrugs. "This is well beyond my experience."

Stiles sighs, frustration clear on his face, "So what do we do with him?" That was defiantly the million dollar question. The pack only thought about how to find Derek, not what to do once they did. They were just hoping that they would find him safe and healthy, not looking like his former, teenage self.

"Until he wakes up? Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here."

"You mean from Kate?" Lydia asks, a bitter tone lacing her voice.

Deaton nods, "Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't do any good for anyone but herself."

"And bad for everyone else," Stiles adds.

"You guys should probably go home," Deaton suggests, trying to get the teenagers to leave. "He doesn't look to be in any danger, so maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night... And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again."

Joan shakes her head, "I'll stay. My grades are a-okay, and I really don't mind."

Scott shakes his head, "No, you need to sleep. We all do, plus aren't you helping your dad tomorrow at the school?"

Joan groans, remembering that she was planning on student teaching in her father's freshman history class this year. Her father, Charles Arcs, was a dedicated historian who absolutely loved European history and when he saw that Beacon Hills was in search for a European history teacher back when she was only two years old, Charles knew he had to take that position. It was only fair that he got his daughter into the fun of it too, which is one of the main reasons she aced ever test.

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