11 ; Detective Board Decorators

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          If you thought that an assassin with no mouth is terrifying, than you should defiantly be terrified of a student with a thermo-cut wire that can easily cut off your head in between classes. Joan couldn't imagine a student at Beacon Hills High being an assassin, but then again she used to not believe in werewolves and banshees.

          She silently shook her head, ripping off another piece of red tape and pasting it upon Stiles' new detective board. She didn't know why Stiles bought it, seeing as his father had one exactly like his at the police station, but Joan had to admit that Stiles was committed. "Okay... So The Mute killed the Walcott's and almost killed Peter," Joan mumbled, connecting a drawing of the mouthless assassin and pictures of the Walcott's crime scene and Peter.

          "His weapon of choice is a military tomahawk," Stiles added, writing it down beside the profile picture of The Mute. Joan nodded, "But then he was killed by Peter at the school when he tried to kill Derek with a Claymore mine. Damn, that's excessive."

          Stiles chuckled, happy he wasn't working on his detective board alone. Yes, it helped when he was by himself seeing he was the only one who seemed to understand his methods, but it helped to have another mind with him to make sure he doesn't put down incorrect information. "Next is Demarco," Stiles continued, taping the pictures of the decapitated werewolf onto his board. "He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house. And got decapitated outside his car."

          Joan shook her head, looking at the board in front of her, "Let's not forget 23-year-old, Carrie Hudson. She was stabbed three times in the chest by an unidentified weapon and her hand was cut off. Hmm, doesn't that sound like a spectacular way to die?"

          "Yeah, well, hopefully we can find the guy that's doing this and not have to worry about it," Stiles explained, his hands waving around beside him. Joan nodded, tilting her head to the side as she look at the board more carefully. She silently grabbed the white pen from Stiles' hand before drawing a silhouette of a person and writing 'THE BENEFACTOR' underneath him. She paused for a moment before writing a question mark on the figure's face. Knowing who the benefactor was the 117 million dollar question on everyone's mind. Hopefully they could figure out who it was soon before more people ended up dying.

          While Joan finished up her drawing, Stiles grabbed a red and began to cross out all the dead supernatural creatures from the deadpool, only leaving six out of the twelve names untouched. Of those six names, four of them included: Scott, Lydia, Derek, and Kira.

          The two humans sighed, taking a seat simultaneously on Stiles' bed in front of the board. "Thanks," Stiles finally spoke up, looking over at Joan with a small smile gracing his lips.

          The Arcs girl raised an eyebrow at him, confused on what he was thanking her for, "For what, Stilinski? All I did was help tape things to your board. It wasn't hard."

          Stiles shook his head, chuckling softly, "You didn't have to help me with it, but you insisted. And that's not what I'm thanking you for, though I am thankful! I just, uh, thanks for helping with Malia. I know you did it because you want to, but it means a lot that more than one person wants to help her y'know?"

          Joan nodded, "There's no need to thank me for that, Stilinski. Like you said, I want to help Malia. I enjoy it. It feels nice to help her, even if it means we have to deal with possibly dying ever full moon. Thanks for helping her with me."

          Stiles' eyes widened at Joan's statement a large grin forming upon his thin lips, "What did I just hear? Did the Joan Arcs thank me?! Who are you and what have you done to my Joan?"

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